
Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante

Christine Bergeron 2023

Christine Bergeron 2023Par Christine Bergeron, M.Ba., Admin.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL, Responsable sensibilisation des étudiants (English text follows)

Le comité de sensibilisation des étudiants a préparé deux événements pour le mois de mars 2024.

1) Tout d’abord, à l’École des sciences de la gestion (ÉSG) de l’UQAM, nous rencontrons le groupe de gestion des opérations pour discuter des ERP le 19 mars.

2) Ensuite, le 21 mars avec Pierre Marquis, B Ing., MBA, nous rencontrerons le département de génie mécanique et aérospatial de l’École Polytechnique pour une conversation sur l’intersection de l’ingénierie et de la qualité (Information). Inscriptions auprès des universités.


  • Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez organiser un événement avec vos étudiants et discutons de la manière dont nous pouvons aborder le sujet de la qualité dans le monde universitaire.
  • Si vous faites partie d’un établissement d’enseignement et que vous souhaitez avoir plus de visibilité sur les sujets liés à la qualité, contactez Raymond Dyer sur LinkedIn. Nous disposons d’un réseau de conférenciers potentiels qui pourraient vous intéresser.

The student outreach committee has been preparing two events for March 2024.

1) First, at  the École des Sciences de la Gestion (ÉSG) of UQAM, we are meeting with the Operations Management group to discuss ERPs on March 19.

2) Then, on March 21st, with Pierre Marquis, B Ing., MBA, we meet with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of École Polytechnique for a conversation about the intersection of engineering and quality (Information). Contact the universities for registration.


  • Contact us if you are organizing a student event and wish to discuss how to present quality-related topics in the university.
  • If you are part of an educational institution and would like to have more visibility on quality-related topics, please contact Raymond Dyer on LinkedIn. We have a network of potential speakers that may be of interest to you.

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante Read More »

Voice of The Customer | Voix du Client

Cesar Camargo 2023

Cesar Camargo 2023By Cesar Camargo, Responsable VoC, (English text follows)

À travers un parcours magistral des expériences professionnelles dans le domaine de la qualité des années 80 et 90 de Jean-François Michaud, jusqu’à l’exploration des neurosciences appliquées à la qualité dans notre contexte actuel par Samuel Bassetto, les 26 participants au webinaire “Amélioration continue: quoi de nouveau sous le soleil?” ont bénéficié d’une soirée enrichissante et extrêmement intéressante où il est devenu évident qu’aujourd’hui, la gestion humaine du personnel est essentielle pour le succès de l’amélioration continue des processus de production.

Avec la participation de professionnels principalement de Montréal, mais aussi d’autres villes du Canada et des États-Unis, l’événement a obtenu un taux de satisfaction global de 93,6%, tout comme l’approche proposée. En ce qui concerne le thème, la satisfaction était de 95,5%, l’échange a obtenu 90,9% et quant aux présentateurs, ils ont reçu un taux de satisfaction de 94,5%.

Parmi les commentaires laissés par les participants, il est apparu que l’événement bilingue (anglais-français) a été très bien accueilli. En ce qui concerne les sujets à aborder lors de nos futurs événements, les participants ont convenu de recommander de parler de l’IA (Intelligence Artificielle) appliquée à la gestion de la qualité. Parmi les autres sujets proposés pour les futurs événements figuraient également la gestion du personnel et le partage des meilleures pratiques.

Nous continuons à inviter tous les membres de la section ASQ Montréal ainsi que les collègues, étudiants et autres personnes intéressées par l’amélioration continue à se joindre aux futurs événements de notre section, à partager avec des professionnels ayant des intérêts similaires et à renforcer les liens pour continuer à promouvoir une culture d’amélioration continue.

Cesar Camargo

From a masterful journey through the career experiences in quality from the 80s and 90s by Jean-François Michaud, to the exploration of applied neuroscience in quality in our current context by Samuel Bassetto, the 26 participants in the webinar “Continuous Improvement: What’s New Under the Sun?” enjoyed an enriching and highly interesting evening where it became clear that in today’s times, talent management is key to success in the continuous improvement of production processes.

With the participation of professionals mainly from Montreal, but also from other cities in Canada and the United States, the event had an overall satisfaction rate of 93.6%, as did the proposed approach. Regarding the theme, the rating was 95.5%, the exchange was 90.9%, and the presenters received a satisfaction rate of 94.5%.

Among the comments left by the participants, it was evident that the bilingual event (English – French) was very well received. As for the topics to be addressed in our future events, participants agreed to recommend discussing AI (Artificial Intelligence) applied to quality management. Among other topics proposed for future events were also personnel management and sharing best practices.

We continue to invite all members of the ASQ Montreal section as well as colleagues, students, and others interested in continuous improvement to join the future events of our section, to interact with professionals with similar interests, and to strengthen ties to continue promoting a culture of continuous improvement.

Cesar Camargo

Voice of The Customer | Voix du Client Read More »

ASQ Montreal Section – Education Program 2024

Dr David TozerBy Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair.

ASQ Certification often leads to higher paying employment. The money invested in education and certification increases chances of finding employment quickly in the down sizing environment we live in.  People who take the section sponsored refresher courses, and spend at least twice as much time as spent in the classroom on self study, have an 80%, or better, chance of passing the examination on the first attempt.

Having ASQ certification gives you an edge in the market and can significantly increase your income.
Courses are now available online as well | Courses now available online

    • Certified Quality Engineer : quality concepts, cost of quality, human resources, team formation and group dynamics, inspection, metrology, sampling, reliability, quality standards, quality audit, statistics, design of experiments, process improvement, liability, and modern management methods for improving quality.
    • Certified Six Sigma Black Belt: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, lean enterprise, statistics, design of experiments, and design for six sigma.
    • Certified Six Sigma Green Belt: quality concepts, cost of quality, enterprise wide deployment, business process management, project management, team formation and group dynamics, define, measure, analyze, improve, control, and statistics.
    • Certified Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence: quality concepts, quality planning, customer focus, quality standards, project management, cost of quality, team formation and group dynamics, human resources and improvement.
    • Certified Quality Auditor: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, management responsibility, audit objectives, audit preparation, audit conduct, audit reporting, sampling, and basic statistics.
    • Certified Quality Inspector: quality concepts, team formation and group dynamics, geometry, metrology, reading drawings, mechanical processes, statistical process control, inspection, and sampling.

    Calendar and Registration Online Form
    Questions? Cours en site/In house courses, etc. Contact: Dr. David Tozer (514) 694-2830

ASQ Montreal Section – Education Program 2024 Read More »

Si vous étiez présent | Had You Been There (2024.02.28)

Samira Kazemi 2024

Samira KazemiAmélioration continue: quoi de nouveau sous le soleil?
Continuous improvement: What’s new under the sun?

By Samira Kazemi, Program Chair, ASQ CQA  (Un texte en français suit)

On February 28th, ASQ Montreal Section held a bilingual event which turned out to be a true success thanks to our great guest speakers, Jean-François Michaud and Samuel Bassetto, who presented two very interesting topics, one in English and the other in French: A Career in the “Modern Times” of Quality by Jean-François Michaud and Les neurosciences de l’amélioration continue by Samuel Bassetto.

Jean-François Michaud, MBA, Ing., retired from IBM and lecturer at École Polytechnique and John Abbott College, took us to through the modern Quality revolution from the 80’ and 90’s to what it is today. He shared his journey as a Quality professional over the last 4 decades. It is true: you become smarter faster when you try to learn from experienced people. Jean-Francois’ experience was absolutely impressive and quite interesting. The take away from his presentation for me was to always keep an open mind and find a positive opportunity in EVERY situation! As a presenter, he was authentic and welcomed any question during his presentation. 

In the second presentation, Samuel Bassetto, Professeur agréé, École Polytechnique de Montréal, introduced us to the neuroscience of continuous improvement. Who would have ever thought of connecting Human Physiology and Quality? Samuel did! He presented a very interesting and science based subject with examples on human response to environment. In his presentation, he highlighted the importance of culture of trust, empowerment and attention to human’s inner rhythm in organizations, in order to be more efficient and operationalizing continuous improvement. This was a powerful presentation with a lot to reflect on.

The presentations were closed by responding to questions in both English and French, which was appreciated by all participants.

This was a truly successful event with an overall satisfaction of over 95% according to the final survey. The speakers were well prepared and generously offered their time to come and share their experience and knowledge on the topics through friendly and interactive presentations.

To those who missed this event, I hope to see and connect with you next time. These events are for you. Come and meet new people, connect, network, learn and have fun!

Samira Kazemi

J-F Michaud & S Bass 2024

Le 28 février dernier, la section montréalaise de l’ASQ a tenu un événement bilingue qui s’est avéré un véritable succès grâce à nos deux conférenciers invités, Jean-François Michaud et Samuel Bassetto, qui ont présenté deux sujets très intéressants, l’un en anglais et l’autre en français: Une carrière dans les “temps modernes” de la qualité par Jean-François Michaud et Les neurosciences de l’amélioration continue par Samuel Bassetto.

Jean-François Michaud, MBA, ingénieur, retraité d’IBM et conférencier à l’École Polytechnique et au John Abbott College, nous a fait découvrir la révolution moderne de la qualité des années 80 et 90 à ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui. Il nous a fait part de son parcours en tant que professionnel de la qualité au cours des quatre dernières décennies. Il est vrai que l’on devient plus intelligent et plus rapide lorsqu’on essaie d’apprendre de personnes expérimentées. L’expérience de Jean-François était absolument impressionnante et très intéressante. Ce que j’ai retenu de sa présentation, c’est qu’il faut toujours garder l’esprit ouvert et trouver une opportunité positive dans CHAQUE situation! En tant que présentateur, il a fait preuve d’authenticité et s’est montré ouvert à toutes les questions pendant sa présentation.

Dans la deuxième présentation, Samuel Bassetto, professeur agréé à l’École polytechnique de Montréal, nous a fait découvrir les neurosciences de l’amélioration continue. Qui avait déjà pensé à faire le lien entre la physiologie humaine et la qualité? Samuel l’a fait! Il a présenté un sujet très intéressant, basé sur la science, avec des exemples sur la réponse humaine à l’environnement. Dans sa présentation, il a souligné l’importance d’une culture de la confiance, de la responsabilisation et de l’attention portée au rythme interne de l’homme dans les organisations afin d’être plus efficace et d’opérationnaliser l’amélioration continue. Cette présentation a été très convaincante et a suscité de nombreuses réflexions.

Les présentations ont été clôturées par des réponses aux questions en anglais et en français, ce qui a été apprécié par tous les participants.

Cet événement a été un véritable succès, avec une satisfaction globale de plus de 95% selon l’enquête finale. Les orateurs étaient bien préparés et ont généreusement offert leur temps pour venir partager leur expérience et leurs connaissances sur les sujets abordés, dans le cadre de présentations conviviales et interactives.

Pour ceux qui ont manqué cet événement, j’espère vous voir et vous rencontrer la prochaine fois. Ces événements sont pour vous. Venez rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, nouer des liens, travailler en réseau, apprendre et vous amuser!

Samira Kazemi

Si vous étiez présent | Had You Been There (2024.02.28) Read More »

VIDEO: Mot de la présidente | Word from the Chair

Veronica Marquez

Veronica MarquezPar Veronica B. Marquez , M.Sc., ASQ Senior Member, CSSBB  (English text follows)

Le mois de mars est certainement occupé, mais il nous apporte quelques initiatives et des activités enrichissantes. Écoutez le vidéo pour connaître nos prochaines activités, certains changements d’outils et finalement, pour participer à l’initiative “Femmes en qualité“.

March is certainly a busy month, but it brings us some stimulating initiatives and activities. Listen to the video to find out about our upcoming activities, some tool changes and finally, to participate in the “Women in Quality” initiative.

Voir le vidéo en français: View the English video:
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ASQ Women In Quality | Femmes en qualité


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The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur

Michael Bournazian

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB with Rolls-Royce

Customers. Clients. Entities that give you money to provide them with goods and/or services, often to drawing and/or specification requirements. Where would we be without them?

I know where I WILL be once I am without them . . . retired and hopefully on a beach. But until then, I (and most of you too) go to work everyday and do our Quality best to deliver to our paycheck providers the best we can. But as the image meme below correctly states, who/how your customer is (both external and internal ones) can result in your work being exciting and rewarding, or demanding and frustrating.

Having worked in customer facing roles in various companies during my career, I have seen the difference first-hand between customers who make your work smooth and those who make your work rough. It can be quite eye opening at times, considering that all these companies work essentially to the same standards (ISO9001, AS9100, TS16949, etc.), and yet never have I experienced any sort of macroscopic “uniformity” from one to the other, with regards to how they deal with suppliers, how they conduct their audits, how they deal with escapes, etc.

And perhaps that makes sense, since no two humans are alike, and since all these companies are made up of tens, hundreds, thousands of humans, how can there be any uniformity? And yet, in our daily Quality work, what are we very often striving to achieve? Yup, uniformity: from consistently conforming parts to high value customer service to gage repeatability and reproducibility, and on and on.

So ultimately, just do your best to make sure the customer is satisfied . . . even if they are a headcase.


Any feedback? Click on the link and let me know.

ALSO . . .  Please contact me or any one else on the Leadership team if you would like to:
1) Write and submit an article to be published in the Newsletter.
2) Write a review of one of the upcoming monthly webinars for the “Had You Been There” section.

Thank you, all the best and none of the worst.

The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur Read More »

ASQ World Conference on Quality & Improvement

Michael BournazianBy Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB with Rolls-Royce

The 2024 ASQ World Conference on Quality & improvement is already scheduled for May 12-15, 2024, taking place in San Diego, California.

To learn more about it and other events and conferences planned by ASQ, go to the EVENTS page.

ASQ World Conference on Quality & Improvement Read More »

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