History of Section Events 2007-20xx

Process Design in the learning service organisationDr Jean Harvey, Ph.D2007-02-21
Obtaining ASQ certification - why, what and howDr. David Tozer, Ph.D, ASQ CQE & SSBB2007-03-21
Section Annual General Assembly + AS 9102 - First Article InspectionRoger Ritterbeck Jr., Product Manager QMI2007-04-18
Cost of Poor QualityEric Hosking, B.Eng., MBA2007-05-16
Networking eventAnimation: Raymond Dyer2007-09-19
Human FactorsSid Yousri2007-10-17
Change Management using a Coaching ProcessBeverley Patwell2007-11-21
Networking Event – Six Sigma Successes & FailuresPresentation: Reynald Régnus2008-01-23
PFMEA – Process Failure Mode and Effects AnalysisFrançois Pageau2008-02-20
The Economic Impact of Quality on Organizational SuccessBrenda Fisk2008-03-19
Section Annual General Assembly + Networking - Theory & PracticePresentation: Eric Stern + Raymond Dyer2008-04-16
Managing the Global Supply ChainJohn Reid2008-05-21
Networking Evening - How to speak in front of people - a Toastmasters presentationSteven Jones2008-09-17
Night of the registrars - There exists other important standards!George Azedo (QMI), Dirk Schroeter (TUV), Diane Pryde (BSI), Louis Stock (SGS)2008-10-15
Quality in the Healthcare SystemJill Sporidis2008-11-19
Networking Event – Are you a "Fad Manager"?Hélène Giroux2009-01-28
ISO 9001 changes and potential significant impactsDenis Pronovost2009-02-18
Process Capability Studies: an opportunity to become intimate with your processFrançois Pageau2009-03-18
Section Annual General Assembly + Project management for Quality ProfessionalsPresentation: Sylvain Gauthier2009-04-15
Revision C of AS9100Roger Ritterbeck Jr.2009-05-20
Using financial tools to improve qualityLivio Di Francesco2009-09-16
Change management during challenging timesSylvain Gauthier2009-10-21
Business Continuity and Risk ManagementGeorges Cowan & Cristian Dragnef2009-11-18
ASQ Montreal Section 401 60th AnniversaryWorkshop: Brenda Fisk — Presentation: Jean-Pierre Amiel2010-01-20
Good Manufacturing Practice regulationsAdy Sadek2010-02-17
Brainstorming Tool On Retention: ASQ World Café MeetingBrenda Fisk2010-03-17
Section Annual General Assembly + AS 9101Presentation: Roger Ritterbeck Jr.2010-04-21
Supply Chain Management: Driving a complex network of businesses to supply quality product on timeAvrum Goldman2010-05-19
Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042010-07-09
Who Needs Lean Accounting?Brian Maskell 2010-09-15
Achieve Success with CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)Kostya Polinkevych2010-10-20
How Can Organizational Development (OD) Sustain Your Quality Culture? (Interactive Workshop)Khaled Khattab & Jean Fuller2010-11-17
Process AuditsGeorge Azedo2011-01-26
Rapid Technical Problem Solving at Pratt & Whitney CanadaEric Hosking & Craig Hysong2011-02-16
Building a Risk Management Framework in 4 StepsChristian Dragnef2011-03-16
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Applying PPAP (Production Part Approval Process) in the Aerospace IndustryPresentation: Peter Amsden2011-04-20
The Use of Statistical Intervals to Enhance Quality/Business Decision MakingFrançois Pageau2011-05-18
Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042011-07-08
Internal Audit Techniques - Show & TellBernard Doiron & Jean-Pierre Amiel2011-09-21
Quality in the Service Industry: Challenges and OpportunitiesDr. Rajesh Kumar Tyagi2011-10-19
What Makes People Perform?Eric Stern2011-11-16
The Importance of Cultural Settings for Continuous Improvements in QualityAnimation: Raymond Dyer — Panelists: Diego Lythgoe, Hong Ping (Holly) Zhao, Khaled Khattab, Louise Gauthier, Sukhvinder Singh Jutla2012-01-25
Enablers for Quality Management in Supply ChainsDr. Anjali Awasthi2012-02-15
How Large Companies Deal With QualityRene Lalande2012-03-21
Annual General Assembly + Root Cause AnalysisPresentations: Dr. David Tozer & Raymond Dyer2012-04-18
Everything you always knew for sure sbout SPC, and so never bothered to askFrançois Pageau2012-05-16
Golf Tournament + Exercise on “Recognizing problems, prioritizing them, and the attitude to take to solve them”Presentation: Raymond Dyer2012-07-06
The Shainin SystemChris Psinas2012-09-19
ASQ Mentoring EventBill Wilson, Dr. David Tozer, Khaled Khattab, Dr. Rajesh Tyagi, Yatin Khuarana, et. al.2012-10-18
NADCAPBill Wilson2012-11-21
PPAP (Production Part Approval Process)Nicole Talbot2013-01-30
Quality Management Process Measures & Workforce MobilizationPierre Marquis2013-02-20
How to Perform Successful Trials: The Foundation of Design of ExperimentsMartin Carignan2013-03-20
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + AS9100C: Risk Management as it applies to the Aerospace Supply ChainPresentation: Aaron Troschinetz2013-04-24
Human Factors: What Can Aerospace Teach You About Avoiding Human Errors?Gregory Blanc2013-05-15
Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042013-07-05
Introduction to TRIZ and Application Example On a Train System (Interoperable Pantograph)Thomas Nagel2013-09-18
Applying Six Sigma Tools In a Hospital SettingCarmin Cristofaro2013-10-26
Business Continuity Management  - a General OverviewDenis Goulet2013-11-20
Measurement Uncertainty in the Laboratory and on the Shop FloorDavid Llorens2014-01-22
A Quality Night of Pecha Kucha PresentationsPresentations: Michael Bournazian, Pierre Dovala, Raymond Dyer, Jim Moran2014-02-19
Continuous ImprovementGeorge Laszlo2014-03-19
Counterfeit Parts in the Aircraft IndustryEric Hosking2014-04-16
Deployment of PPAP (Production Part Approval Process)Nicole Talbot2014-05-20
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042014-07-04
How Swiss Cheese Holes Align: Lessons from Human Factors PsychologyGregory Blanc2014-09-17
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Improving Processes with Attribute Control ChartsPresentation: Dr. David Tozer2014-10-15
Software Quality:Brenda Fisk2014-11-19
Using LinkedIn to NetworkRaymond Dyer2015-01-21
Supplier Quality Management in AerospaceJohn Reid2015-02-19
Lean Maturity Assessment ToolMarie-Hélène Jobin2015-03-25
Demystifying ISO 9001:2015Jim Moran2015-04-22
A Quality Night of Pecha Kucha PresentationsAnimation: Michael Bournazian — Presentations: Eric Hosking, Dr. David Tozer, Anne-Marie Pizzitelli, Jim Moran2015-05-27
Annual Golf Tournament + M O O Z WorkshopPresentation: Josée-Anne Bergeron & Jean-Marc Legentil2015-07-03
Plant Visit - Alpha Casting Inc.Alpha Casting Inc.2015-09-30
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Networking on TwitterPresentation: Eleonor Jasmin2015-10-28
AS9100 Revision 2016 (Key Changes)Roger Pelletier2015-11-25
ASQ Members Networking EventAnimation: Chantale Simard2016-01-27
Modern GMP Science and Risk Based Approach for the 21st CenturyAdy Sadek2016-02-24
Registrar's NightAnimation: Michael Bournazian — Panelists: Intertek, SAI Global, & NQA Canada2016-03-23
Pecha Kucha NightAnimation: Michael Bournazian — Presentations: Mutair Kadiri, Gordon Ayotte, Rajesh Kumar Tyagi, Dr. David Tozer 2016-04-27
Quality Management Process Measures & Workforce MobilizationPierre Marquis2016-05-25
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042016-07-08
Optimization of Snow Removal at the City of MontrealSimon Cloutier & Yvan Lévesque2016-09-28
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Acceptance Sampling TechniquesPresentation: Bassem Bouslah2016-10-26
Industrial MetrologyXavier Guillard2016-11-30
ASQ Montreal Section 401 and 404 Networking Event & WorkshopAnimation: Chantale Simard2017-01-26
Six Sigma Panel EventAnimation: Eric Hosking — Panel: Dany Dumont, Pierre Gaudet, Mutair Kadiri.2017-02-22
Human Factors in Incident InvestigationsMitchell Daudier2017-03-29
AS9100D: From an Auditor's Point of ViewRobert Demers2017-04-26
Mind Mapping for Quality ProfessionalsRajesh Tyagi2017-05-31
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042017-07-07
Escape Management: Lessons Learned From the Front Lines of AerospaceLuc Juneau & Avrum Goldman2017-09-20
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Continuous Improvement at the Montreal Children's HospitalPresentation: Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky2017-10-25
Pecha Kucha NightAnimation: Michael Bournazian — Presentations: Veronica Marquez, Dubravka Kusmic, Mutair Kadiri, Raymond Dyer.2017-11-29
The Future of Innovation: The 4th Industrial RevolutionPeter Merrill2018-01-31
ASQ Montreal Section 401 Networking EventAnimation: Eric Hosking2018-02-28
Risk Management: Implementation on a New ProgramMutair Kadiri2018-03-28
The Prevailing Research About Process Improvement - How to Engage People and Reduce the Free-Rider EffectRafael Alencar de Paula2018-04-25
Company Visit: PACCAR Plant VisitHosts: Jon Schafer and Tommy Gaudreault2018-05-17
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired By NatureDubravka Kusmic2018-05-30
Company Visit: TRU Simulation + Training Canada Inc.TRU Simulation + Training Canada Inc.2018-06-27
Innovating Internet of Things with Design ThinkingPresentation: Walter Knitl — Workshop Animation: Nilufer Erdebil2018-09-26
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + HACCP: Past, Present and FuturePresentation: Deborah Esplin2018-10-24
Self-Regulated Professions from the Viewpoint of Quality PractitionersGabriel Ahmarani2018-11-28
Night of the Registrars: The Impact of ISO 9001:2015Animation: Sam Weisfelner — Panelilsts: Marc Cloutier (BSI), Tim Ryan (SAI Global), Sabrina Ippolito (SGS), +  after newsletter Chantale Farley (NQA Canada)2019-01-30
The use of Lean Six Sigma in MarketingElke Steinwender2019-02-27
Supply Chain Management and the challenges faced by our experts in the Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and Automotive Sectors.Animation: Sam Weisfelner — Panelists: Pierre Bedard (Pratt & Whitney Canada), Robert Fairbairn (Delta Pharma Inc.), George Azedo (SAI Global)2019-03-27
Lean and Statistical ThinkingMartin Carignan & Vincent Béchard2019-04-24
Pecha Kucha NightAnimation: Michael Bournazian — Presentations: Avrum Goldman, Dubravka Kusmic, Chantale Farley, & Farnoosh Naderkhani2019-05-29
ASQ Sections 401 AND 404 Networking EventAnimation: Chantale Simard2019-06-19
The State of Organizational Excellence Across the WorldVeronica Marquez2019-09-25
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Cannabis Quality Assurance: at the Crossroads of Plant, Pharmaceutical and Food SciencesPresentation: Marie-Eve Carrier2019-10-30
Securing Your Data: Should You Be Concerned?Marco Estrela2019-11-27
Risk in GxP IndustriesSabrina Ippolito2020-01-29
How Simulation Can Enhance Scheduling by Avoiding Lean WasteVincent Béchard2020-02-26
Women in QualityRescheduled to 2021-03-312020-03-25
Food FraudDeborah Esplin2020-04-29
Gestion des risques et mesures d'urgences dans le système de santé au Québec (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Julie Savage-Fournier2020-05-27
Bienvenue à la section Montréal aux membres francophones et bilingue - Un réseautage virtuel en FrançaisAnimators: Chantal Simard & Raymond Dyer2020-06-17
Managing Risk with ISO 31000Jim Moran2020-09-30
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Six Sigma CoachingPresentation: Diego Lythgoe2020-10-28
Exploiter votre système de gestion de la qualité (SGQ) ISO pour garantir la sécurité des données critiquesCristian Dragnef2020-11-25
ASQ Montreal online Party virtuelAnimation: Chantale Simard2020-12-17
Réaliser des audits virtuelsAnimation: Raymond Dyer2021-01-26
Can CI Influence the Reduction of Systemic Racism in Healthcare?Debbie Sears Barnard2021-02-24
Women in QualityAnimation: Veronica Marquez — Panelists: Marjaneh (Marsha) Pourmand, Véronique Boucher, Dr. Carolee Rigsbee and Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani2021-03-31
Vers L'amélioration Continue 4.0, Un Petit Pas à la Fois (Webinar in French | Webinaire en français)Robert vadeboncoeur2021-04-28
ASQ Canada Region: Lean as a Lever for a Sustainable Supply Chain (Bilingual | Bilingue)Veronica Marquez
(Host | Hôte ASQ Montreal)
Leveraging Continuous Improvement with Artificial Intelligence (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Lauren Hisey2021-05-26
Réseautage | Networking : La valeur des certifications de l'ASQ | The Value of ASQ certifications (Bilingue | Bilingual)Member Leaders - Équipe de direction2021-06-16
La marque employeur, facteur de succès pour vos projets d'améliorations de performance et de qualité (Webinar in French | Webinaire en français)Alexandre Carignan2021-09-29
ASQ Canada & Greenland 2021 Quality Conference - Risk & Resilience (Interpretation — Webinar bilingual | Webinaire bilingue)Montreal is hosting the event | Montréal est l'hôte2021-10-04
General Assembly - Assemblée Générale | Réseautage | Bourses étudiantes - Student Awards : How to choose a management system registrar | Choisir un registraire de système de gestion (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Presentation: Raymond E. Dyer2021-10-27
Lean start-up of a centre for pediatric emergencies
(Démarrage Lean d'un centre d'urgence de pédiatrie)
(Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)
Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, President and Co-Founder UP2021-11-24
Une marque employeur forte comme facteur clé pour le succès de votre transformation Lean (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Martin et Alexis Carignan2022-01-26
Une marque employeur forte comme facteur clé pour le succès de votre transformation Lean (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Denis David et Cecile de Villemeur2022-02-23
Split personalities of QMS under FDA QSR, ISO 13485 and MDSAP medical devices regulations (Les dualités d'un SMQ aux normes d'appareils médicaux FDA QSR, ISO 13485 et MDSAP) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Michelle Lott2022-03-30
Pecha Kucha (Webinaire bilingue | Bilingual Webinar)Animation: Michael Bournazian2022-04-27
AI in healthcare (Student Outreach) (Webinaire anglais | English Webinar)Nastaran Enshaei2022-05-19
"B Corp" certificationsCarolee Rigsbee 2022-05-25
What do Quality Professionals need/want to learn? | Que doivent/souhaitent apprendre les professionnels de la qualité?Animation: Raymond E. Dyer2022-06-15
Robustness Thinking – A Best Practices in Design for Reliability (Student Outreach)Dr. Matthew Hu2022-07-07
Pharmaceutical data integrity and computer systems validation (Intégrité des données pharmaceutiques et validation des systèmes informatiques) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Kia Kahhali 2022-09-28
Applying Six Sigma in a coffee shop (Le six sigma dans un café) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Thomas Nagel2022-10-04
• General Assembly | Assemblée Générale
• Workshop: How to manage multiple Management System certifications | Atelier : Comment gérer plusieurs certifications de systèmes de gestion
(Bilingue | Bilingual)
Animation: Raymond E. Dyer2022-10-26
Kaikaku (radical change) before Kaizen (improvement)
(Kaikaku (changement radical) avant Kaizen (amélioration))
(Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)
Albanesa Ymaya2022-11-30
ISO 37001 : Système de gestion anticorruption — Particularités, avantages et taux d’adoption (ISO 37001: Anti-corruption management system — Features, benefits and adoption) (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Sophie Gagnon2023-01-25
Voyage au cœur du Kata et de la pensée scientifique (Journey to the heart of Kata and scientific thinking) (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Sylvain Landry2023-02-22
Applying Intentional Creativity to Quality Management (Appliquer la créativité intentionnelle à la gestion de la qualité) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Ruth Stanley2023-03-22
Adversary simulation, Threats against financial institutions (Student Outreach)
(Simulation d'adversaires, menaces contre les institutions financières (sensibilisation étudiante))
(Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)
Dr Mohammad R. Faghani2023-03-23
Learning Culture Assessment Helps Transformation
(L'évaluation de la culture d'apprentissage contribue à la transformation)
(Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)
Anastasia Sayegh & Samer Hamadeh2023-03-28
Process Optimization Through Predictive Modelling (Optimisation des processus par la modélisation prédictive) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Vincent Béchard and Dominic St-Onge2023-04-26
Six Sigma — Improving Communities (Lean Six Sigma — Améliorer les communautés) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais) A joint webinar event by ASQ Indianopolis and Montreal Sections
Joy E. Mason2023-05-23
In-person Networking, good food and friends | Réseautage en personne, bons plats et amisAnimation: Raymond Dyer2023-06-14
My “Quality” Career in Aerospace (Ma carrière de "qualité" dans l'aérospatiale) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais)Avrum Goldman2023-09-27
ASQ Canada Region: ASQ Certification-Recertification (La Certification-Recertification ASQ) (Webinar in English | Webinaire en anglais) Dr David Tozer
(Host | Hôte ASQ Montreal)
General assembly + Networking Workshop | Assemblée générale + Atelier de réseautageAnimation: Raymond Dyer2023-10-25
Excellence 5.0 – les différentes facettes de la qualité (Podcast with Aristeío)Animation: Veronica Marquez Invité: Raymond Dyer2023-11-08
La responsabilité sociale en entreprise, par quoi débuter? (Company social responsibility, where to start?) (Webinaire en français | Webinar in French)Marlene Hutchinson2023-11-22
Quality Quest: Unleashing Potential | Quête En Qualité: Libérer Le Potentiel (Networking Workshop | Atelier réseautage )Animation: Raymond Dyer2024-01-31
Amélioration continue: quoi de neuf sous le soleil? | Continuous improvement: What’s new under the sun? (Webinaire bilingue | Bilingual Webinar)Samuel Bassetto & Jean-François Michaud2024-02-28
ASQ Montréal en visite au Digifab QGHôte : Rémi Taurines2024-03-20
Evolution de la norme ISO 10012 Systèmes de management de la mesure Webinaire en français (Evolution of ISO 10012 Measurement management systems)Yoann Donat et Christophe Dubois2024-04-03
Intelligence artificielle en remplacement de l’humain? Webinaire en français (French webinar: Artificial intelligence to replace humans?)Dr Jean Massardi, PhD
Night of Registrars | Les registraires (Atelier bilingue | Bilingual workshop)Avec/with Maryana Glavan (ABS) & Tim Ryan (SGS) Animation : Sam Weissfelner 2024-05-29
Connexion Qualité | Quality Connections (Atelier bilingue | Bilingual workshop)Animation: Chantale Simard2024-06-12
Creating plant-wide enthusiasm for Operational Excellence! (Susciter l'enthousiasme pour l'excellence opérationnelle !)With Martin Carignan (GCS Inc) & Annie Quevillon (Kruger Products)2024-09-25
Assemblée générale & Réseautage | General Assembly & NetworkingAnimation : Veronica Marquez2024-10-23
3 Manufacturing tools: GD&T, Model Based Definition and TwynFrançois Nadeau2024-11-22
Rev. 2025-01-06
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