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ASQ PEP 2023 — Montreal Gold | l’Or pour Montréal

ASQ PEP 2023 Performance Awards— Montreal Gold | l’Or pour Montréal

2023 PEP Awardees Flyer Header   ASQ 2023 PEP Gold Award

ASQ-HQ offered its congratulations to the 2023 Awardees
for Member Unit Performance Excellence!

ASQ-HQ : 2024-05-10 — On behalf of the Performance Excellence Program (PEP) Committee, Katie Chitwood, Segment Manager, thanked the ASQ Montreal Section Leadership Team for all the hard work over the past year to support its members and ASQ overall. She was pleased to announce that the Montreal Section has received the Gold award recognition for 2023.

It was a total of 16 Technical Communities (Divisions) and 34 Geographic Communities (Sections) which were recognized for their commitments and excellence. For 2023, four out of the 13 Canadian Sections won recognition. We are especially proud to report that amongst the five GOLD winners, both the Montreal and Ottawa Valley Sections were recognized. Of the 16 Sections in the SILVER recognition, both London and Vancouver won. The Toronto Section won the 2023 Best Practices Awards.

The ASQ Performance Excellence Program was created by Milwaukee-based ASQ to recognize Member Units for excellent performance that reinforces ASQ’s position as the thought leader and expands ASQ offerings to members and customers:
• Contributions to ASQ thought leadership, as measured by myASQ content postings;
• Member Engagement and Experience, as measured by myASQ activity;
• Fiduciary responsibility, as measured by adherence to budget;
• Achievement of business plan objectives, as measured by self-reported progress on business goals and targets.

These measures were evaluated based on the Member Unit’s own baseline data and self-reported business plan progress. Award levels were conferred using a common point system.


L’ASQ – HQ a adressé ses félicitations aux lauréats de 2023 pour
l’excellence des performances des unités membres

ASQ-HQ : 2024-05-10 — Au nom du comité du Programme d’excellence en performance (PEP), Katie Chitwood, directrice de segment, a remercié l’équipe de direction de la Section Montréal de l’ASQ pour tout le travail accompli au cours de la dernière année afin de soutenir ses membres et l’ASQ dans son ensemble. Elle a eu le plaisir d’annoncer que la section de Montréal a reçu la reconnaissance du prix Gold pour 2023.

Au total, 16 communautés techniques (divisions) et 34 communautés géographiques (sections) ont été récompensées pour leur engagement et leur excellence. Pour 2023, quatre des 13 sections canadiennes ont été récompensées. Nous sommes particulièrement fiers de signaler que parmi les cinq lauréats de la catégorie OR, les sections de Montréal et de la Vallée de l’Outaouais (Ottawa) ont été reconnues. Parmi les 16 sections récompensées par une médaille d’ARGENT, ce sont les sections de London et de Vancouver qui ont été récompensées. La section de Toronto, elle, a remporté le Prix des meilleures pratiques 2023.

Le programme d’Excellence en matière de performance de l’ASQ (PEP – Performance Excellence Award) a été créé par l’ASQ, dont le siège est à Milwaukee, afin de récompenser les unités membres pour leurs excellentes performances qui renforcent la position de l’ASQ en tant que leader d’opinion et élargissent l’offre de l’ASQ aux membres et aux clients:
• Contributions au leadership éclairé de l’ASQ, mesurées par la publication de contenu dans myASQ ;
• Engagement et expérience des membres, mesurés par l’activité de myASQ ;
• Responsabilité fiduciaire, mesurée par le respect du budget ;
• La réalisation des objectifs du plan d’entreprise, mesurée par les progrès déclarés en matière d’objectifs et de cibles d’entreprise.

Ces mesures ont été évaluées sur la base des données de référence de l’unité membre et des progrès qu’elle a déclarés dans le cadre de son plan d’entreprise. Les niveaux de récompense ont été attribués à l’aide d’un système de points commun.



ASQ PEP 2023 — Montreal Gold | l’Or pour Montréal Read More »

ASQ Montreal — 2024 Business Plan Q1 Report (2024.04.30)

ASQ Montreal — Business Plan 2024-25 — Q1 Report


ASQ Montreal Logo

By J.P.  Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web Committee Chair

Back in September 2023, I presented what your Montreal Section leadership team was looking ahead for the 2024 line-up of action plans based on ASQ’s continuing development of its own Strategic Plan. Basically, our Business Plan lists what steps the section will be taking to achieve specific goals. It is broken down into actionable steps that can be easily followed and tracked so as to clarify what resources will be required to reach it within a specific timeline. Here is the status of our goals and what we have accomplished so far in the first quarter of 2024. As for the 2024 Business Plan Objectives, we are proud to report that for the 27 objectives that we defined, so far 24 are 90% completed, 22 at 80% and 19 at 70%. What a Q1 report, indeed!

Montreal Section objective aligned with ASQ Strategic Goal Target Q1
1. DELIVER MEMBER VALUE: Design programs and initiatives that are diversified and add value to membership, meet/exceed their identified needs and expectations and support the Mission of ASQ. Think out of the Box to WOW members.
1.1 Deliver events and opportunities that address evolving needs of current and next generation quality professionals to ensure each has an optimized member experience. 8 5
1.2 Help quality professionals understand how they can guide their organizations by leveraging standards to achieve operational excellence by publishing multimedia on the use of standards. 3
2. ENHANCE THE ASQ BRAND AND PUBLIC IMAGE: Highlight Quality experts and provide Quality knowledge growth opportunities in your community and others.
2.1 Create opportunities to showcase knowledge of Quality subject matter experts by publishing multimedia on ASQ Montreal Section subject matter experts. 3
2.2 Generate opportunities for training, learning, and education in Quality:
• Offer and publicize the offering of ASQ certification preparation courses; 9 4
• Promote ASQ in local industry conferences by attending local industry conferences with the intent to promote ASQ; 1
• Conduct Student Outreach events by doing networking session with educational institution(s)/students; 1 1
• Recognize section leaders and/or members: Present awards to section leaders and/or members having demonstrated section leadership and involvement. 2
3. DELIVER OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE: Leverage the expertise of Quality Professionals to ensure best practices in Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI&B) culture, member experiences, efficient operations, access to quality content and education, governance, and financial responsibility are implemented to support ASQ and Geographic Communities.
3.1  Advance a culture of DEI&B to make the Society a place everyone feels welcome:
• Engage francophone members and customers through sponsored French professional events; 2 2
• Have Section Leadership Team (SLT) attend a course on DEI&B; 1
• Develop a DEI&B plan. 1
3.2 Deliver a greater member experience and make it easier for ASQ members to participate and make their voices heard:
• Issue regular newsletters throughout the active part of the year; 9 4
• Post content on myASQ website targeting member feedback. 4
3.3 Drive efficiency and manage resources responsibly by meeting the approved budget bottom line and taking into account adjustments made throughout the year. 1
3.4 Contribute content to the myASQ community site to reach members across channels by posting content on the Montreal Section myASQ website. 4 4
3.5 Create meaningful learning and networking opportunities.
• Conduct in-person networking session with members; 2
• Conduct networking session with educational institution(s)/students. 1 1
3.6 Deliver Geographic Community minimum requirements:
• Acknowledge the Member Unit Operating Agreement (MUOA); 1 1
• All Member Leaders complete General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) training; 100%
• Deliver member value by conducting member events; 4 4
• Conduct Section Leadership Committee (SLC) meetings; 4 4
• Participate in Geographic Community Council’s (GCC) meetings or trainings; 4 3
• Submit officers list using Committee Manager and after having conducted the elections; 1 1
• Prepare and submit yearly business plan and budget to RD for approval; 1 1
• Member value by posting content on myASQ; 4 4
• Submit ASQ Community Annual Report in Q1 by communicated deadline; 1 1
• Submit year end financial report, if applicable (not required for sections on Billhighway); 1 1
• Sustain the section’s leadership team by recruiting section members to join the Section Leadership Team (SLT). 1

We look forward to seeing you at our events and should you decide to help us in our endeavours, we will make room around the Section Leadership meeting table. We’d love to hear from you here.


ASQ Montreal — 2024 Business Plan Q1 Report (2024.04.30) Read More »

Changes to Recertification Process

Dr David TozerBy Dr. David Tozer, Ph.D., ASQ CQE and SSBB, Education & Audit Chair.

By the end of this year, ASQ will change the rules for collecting Recertification Units for certification maintenance.

The main changes affecting certification are:

  • Section events will count for 0.1 Recertification Units per hour of the event; currently, they count for 0.5 RUs per event.
  • Whole day events will count for 1.0 Recertification Unit.
  • There is a reclassification of some of the categories to different sections of categories.
    • Obsolete categories are deleted (proctoring & multimedia).
    • The Professional Development section (events, courses, training, education . . . ) has no upper limit on the number of Recertification Units that can be claimed.
  • A Giving back Section is added for volunteering and mentoring.

Changes to Recertification Process Read More »

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante

Christine Bergeron 2023

Christine Bergeron 2023Par Christine Bergeron, M.Ba., Admin.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL, Responsable sensibilisation des étudiants (English text follows)

Nous reprendrons les activités à l’automne. Si vous avez des idées ou voulez partager avec les étudiants, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous!


  • Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez organiser un événement avec vos étudiants et discutons de la manière dont nous pouvons aborder le sujet de la qualité dans le monde universitaire.
  • Si vous faites partie d’un établissement d’enseignement et que vous souhaitez avoir plus de visibilité sur les sujets liés à la qualité, contactez Christine Bergeron sur LinkedIn. Nous disposons d’un réseau de conférenciers potentiels qui pourraient vous intéresser.

We will resume activities in the fall. If you have ideas or want to share with students, please reach out to us!


  • Contact us if you are organizing a student event and wish to discuss how to present quality-related topics in the university.
  • If you are part of an educational institution and would like to have more visibility on quality-related topics, please contact Christine Bergeron on LinkedIn. We have a network of potential speakers that may be of interest to you.

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante Read More »

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiantes — Nomination

🔅 Nomination 🔅

Veronica Marquez

Veronica Marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB

I am thrilled to announce that Christine Bergeron, MBA, Adm.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL has accepted the role of Student Outreach Committee Chair.

Her boundless energy, profound knowledge of academia, and unwavering drive make her the perfect fit for this pivotal role. Christine’s dedication and expertise will be instrumental in fostering connections within the universities and student communities, paving the way for our growth in this vital market sector.

With her onboard, I am confident that we will reach new heights and expand our reach in the academic arena.

Merci Christine! J’ai très hâte de continuer cette collaboration.

Her first event will be on March 19th at UQAM, where she is planning a panel on “ERP: myths and realities“.

She is replacing Farnoosh Naderkhani who has done a great job all these past years.

Thank you,
Veronica Marquez

Christine BergeronChristine Bergeron, M.Ba., Admin.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiantes — Nomination Read More »

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante

Christine Bergeron 2023

Christine Bergeron 2023Par Christine Bergeron, M.Ba., Admin.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL, Responsable sensibilisation des étudiants (English text follows)

Le comité de sensibilisation des étudiants a préparé deux événements pour le mois de mars 2024.

1) Tout d’abord, à l’École des sciences de la gestion (ÉSG) de l’UQAM, nous rencontrons le groupe de gestion des opérations pour discuter des ERP le 19 mars.

2) Ensuite, le 21 mars avec Pierre Marquis, B Ing., MBA, nous rencontrerons le département de génie mécanique et aérospatial de l’École Polytechnique pour une conversation sur l’intersection de l’ingénierie et de la qualité (Information). Inscriptions auprès des universités.


  • Contactez-nous si vous souhaitez organiser un événement avec vos étudiants et discutons de la manière dont nous pouvons aborder le sujet de la qualité dans le monde universitaire.
  • Si vous faites partie d’un établissement d’enseignement et que vous souhaitez avoir plus de visibilité sur les sujets liés à la qualité, contactez Raymond Dyer sur LinkedIn. Nous disposons d’un réseau de conférenciers potentiels qui pourraient vous intéresser.

The student outreach committee has been preparing two events for March 2024.

1) First, at  the École des Sciences de la Gestion (ÉSG) of UQAM, we are meeting with the Operations Management group to discuss ERPs on March 19.

2) Then, on March 21st, with Pierre Marquis, B Ing., MBA, we meet with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of École Polytechnique for a conversation about the intersection of engineering and quality (Information). Contact the universities for registration.


  • Contact us if you are organizing a student event and wish to discuss how to present quality-related topics in the university.
  • If you are part of an educational institution and would like to have more visibility on quality-related topics, please contact Raymond Dyer on LinkedIn. We have a network of potential speakers that may be of interest to you.

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiante Read More »

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiantes — Gestion des opérations

La qualité et la gestion des opérations

Le 29 novembre dernier, quatre membres de la Section de Montréal ont participé à un panel d’informations sur la qualité à l’UQAM. Les conférenciers ont présentés la notion de qualité, les horizons en qualité et leurs parcours dans chacun des domaines dans lesquels ils exercent. Ce panel était organisé par le Comité des Etudiants du certificat en Gestion des opérations (CEGOps) de l’université dans le cadre de conférences sur divers sujets sur la gestion d’opérations. Rappelons que cet événement fait partie des efforts de l’équipe de direction de la section pour notre programme de sensibilisation étudiante. Son objectif — promouvoir et sensibiliser les étudiants aux domaines de la qualité et les services offerts par l’ASQ et la section.
Merci à Veronica Marquez, cssbb (Présidente, ASQ Montréal), Christine Bergeron, MBA, Adm.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL (Comité de sensibilisation étudiante, ASQ Montréal) et à Shawn Bruno (Pratt & Whitney), Amine Djeffal, B.Sc., RAC (compagnie pharmaceutique), aussi membres d’ASQ Montréal, d’avoir partagé leurs connaissances sur le sujet, et les étudiants du CEGOps de l’UQAM.
Comité des Etudiants du Certificat en Gestion des Opérations (CEGOps)

CEGOps-ASQ Panel Participants 2023.11.29On November 29, four members of the Montreal Section of ASQ took part in an information panel on quality at UQAM. The speakers presented the concept of quality, quality horizons and their backgrounds in each of the fields in which they work. The panel was organized by the university’s Comité des Etudiants du Certificat en Gestion des Opérations (CEGOps) as part of a series of conferences on a variety of operations management topics. This event is part of the chapter management team’s efforts to promote our student outreach program. Its objective — to promote and sensitize students to the fields of quality and the services offered by ASQ and the Section.

Thanks to Veronica Marquez, cssbb (President, ASQ Montreal), Christine Bergeron, MBA, Adm.A, CMC, CQPA, CSL (Student Awareness Committee, ASQ Montreal) and to Shawn Bruno (Pratt & Whitney), Amine Djeffal, B.Sc., RAC (pharmaceutical company), two members of ASQ Montreal, for sharing their knowledge on the subject, and the students of UQAM’s CEGOps.

Photos UQAM

#GOP #CegOps #ASQ #Qualité

Student Outreach | Sensibilisation étudiantes — Gestion des opérations Read More »

M. Pareto Head — Goodbye | Au-revoir

That’s All Folks!

ASQ – QP comic strip mainstay Mr. Pareto Head hangs up his hat ( Texte en français )

Mr Pareto Head qp0124

In ASQ’s January issue of Quality Progress (QP), Mike Crossen, the comic’s creator, announced the final Mr. Pareto Head comic to appear in QP along with his cast of co-workers: Sigma Freud, Randy M. Sample, Norma Distribution, Charlie Chance and Mr. Bottomline. Crossen, said he knew that eventually the strip would come to an end and found himself thinking about the strip more recently. After nearly 24 years, “it just seemed that heading into this new year was a good time to let it go and focus on my other interests.

Mr. Pareto Head debuted in March 2000 and in introducing the cartoon, Miles Maguire, then editor of QP, explained that the strip was “in response to a letter to the editor decrying the lack of humour in our pages.”

Mike Crossen is lean enterprise manager at Rockwell Automation in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. He holds a bachelor’s degree in electronics technology from Cleveland State University and is a senior member of ASQ and an ASQ-certified manager of quality/organizational excellence, quality auditor and quality engineer.

ASQ members and QP readers will still be able to access an archive of Mr. Pareto Head comic strips dating back to 2000 and QP will also be running Mr. Pareto Head classics in the coming months. You can read more about the evolution of Mr. Pareto Head in Mike Crossen’s My Quality Story column Sketchy Situation of March 2021 (member access required).

Maman, c’est fini !

M. Pareto Head, le personnage des bandes dessinées du QP d’ASQ, accroche son chapeau

Dans le numéro de janvier de Quality Progress (QP) de l’ASQ, Mike Crossen, le créateur de la bande dessinée, a annoncé la publication de la dernière bande dessinée de M. Pareto Head dans QP, avec ses collègues : Sigma Freud, Randy M. Sample, Norma Distribution, Charlie Chance et M. Bottomline. Crossen a déclaré qu’il savait que la bande dessinée finirait par prendre fin et qu’il y pensait encore récemment après avoir passé près de 24 ans : “Il m’a semblé qu’à l’aube de cette nouvelle année, c’était le bon moment pour laisser tomber et me concentrer sur mes autres centres d’intérêt.

Pareto Head Retires 20240101

M. Pareto Head a fait ses débuts en mars 2000 et, en présentant la bande dessinée, Miles Maguire, alors rédacteur en chef de QP, a expliqué que la bande était “une réponse à une lettre adressée au rédacteur en chef qui déplorait le manque d’humour dans nos pages.

Mike Crossen est responsable entreprise allégée chez Rockwell Automation à Mayfield Heights, dans l’Ohio. Il est titulaire d’une licence en technologie électronique de l’université d’État de Cleveland et est membre senior de l’ASQ. Il est également certifié par l’ASQ en tant que responsable de la qualité et de l’excellence organisationnelle, auditeur de la qualité et ingénieur de la qualité.

Les membres de l’ASQ et les lecteurs de QP pourront toujours accéder à des archives de bandes dessinées de M. Pareto Head datant de 2000 et QP publiera également des classiques de M. Pareto Head dans les mois à venir. Pour en savoir plus sur l’évolution de M. Pareto Head, lisez la rubrique My Quality Story de Mike Crossen Sketchy Situation, de mars 2021 (accès réservé aux membres).

M. Pareto Head — Goodbye | Au-revoir Read More »

LinkedIn: Student Outreach Page

LinkedIn Logo-20231223

We are closing our
ASQ Montreal Student Outreach page!

In a brief statement on the ASQ Montreal Student Outreach LinkedIn site, Veronica Marquez,
Montreal 2024 Section Chair and site owner, stated that
In order to improve our communications with our members and with professionals interested in quality,
we have decided to concentrate our efforts on the ASQ Montreal Quality Network page.

This page had been on line since December 2018. We hope to see you on our other page, then.

Join us here before 15 January 2024!

LinkedIn Student Outreach Closing-20231223

Nous fermons notre page
ASQ Montreal Student Outreach (contact étudiant) !

Dans un bref message sur la page du site LinkedIn, Veronica Marquez, présidente 2024 de la Section Montreal
et propriétaire du site, a annoncée “qu’afin d’améliorer nos communications avec nos membres et avec les professionnels qui s’intéressent à la qualité, nous avons pris la décision de concentrer nos efforts sur la page du
Réseau Qualité ASQ Montréal Quality Network
Rappelons que cette page était en ligne depuis décembre 2018. Nous espérons vous retrouver sur notre autre page alors.

Rejoignez-nous ici avant le 15 janvier 2024!


LinkedIn: Student Outreach Page Read More »

Excellence 5.0 – Different facets of quality

Aristeío — Les rendez-vous de l’excellence 5.0
Podcast Event in French organized by Veronica Marquez of Aristeío

Excellence 5.0 – Les différentes facettes de la qualité
(Excellence 5.0 – Different facets of quality)

Rendez-vous de l'excellence 5.0 V Marquez

ASQ Montréal is collaborating with Aristeío on the French podcast « Les rendez-vous de l’excellence 5.0 » (Appointments with Excellence 5.0), where you can join Veronica Marquez and Raymond E. Dyer as they talk about the role of quality in operational excellence this November 8th at 12h on LinkedIn Live.

Register here!

Excellence 5.0 – Different facets of quality Read More »

Call for Officer Nominations 2024

ASQ Montreal — Call for Officer Nominations 2024

Sam Weissfellner  From: Sam Weissfelner, ASQ Senior, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominations Committee Chair

The following slate of candidates was submitted by the nominating committee for the 2024 Section Leadership Team (SLT): 

  • Chair: Veronica Marquez
  • Vice-chair: Raymond Dyer
  • Secretary: Carolee Rigsbee
  • Treasurer: Chantale Simard

The election process involves that the Nominating Committee submits a slate of officers to be approved at the General Assembly. To hold a Section Officer position, you must be a Professional, Senior or Fellow ASQ Member in good standing affiliated with our Section.

To submit alternate nominations for Section officer positions, please complete and submit this Nomination Form before September 30, 2023. Alternate nominations for Section Officer positions can be made by petition of 10 members in good standing of the Section.

The slate of officers will be repeated in the October newsletter and approved at our next planned Annual General Assembly to be held on October 25th, 2023.

Thank-you to all.

Call for Officer Nominations 2024 Read More »

ASQ Montreal — 2024 Business Plan (2023-09-22)


ASQ Montreal — Business Plan 2024

ASQ Montreal Logo

By J.P.  Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secretary

As fall slowly settles in, your Montreal Section leadership team is looking ahead at next year’s line-up of action plans based on ASQ’s continuing development of its own Strategic Plan. Basically, our Business Plan lists what steps the section will be taking to achieve a specific goal. It is broken down into actionable steps that can be easily followed and tracked so as to clarify what resources will be required to reach it within a specific timeline. You will find below a preview of what we will be working on in 2024.

As for the 2023 Business Plan Objectives, we are proud to report that for the 16 objectives that we defined, so far 12 are 100% completed, 2 are 90% completed, one is at 80% and the last one at 78%. What a Q3 report, indeed!

Here are the 2024 goals for your Montreal Section Section Leadership Team (SLT).

1. DELIVER MEMBER VALUE: Design programs and initiatives that are diversified and add value to membership, meet/exceed their identified needs and expectations and support the Mission of ASQ. Think out of the Box to WOW members.
  • Deliver events and opportunities that address evolving needs of current and next generation quality professionals to ensure each has an optimized member experience.
  • Help quality professionals understand how they can guide their organizations by leveraging standards to achieve operational excellence by publishing multimedia on the use of standards.
2. ENHANCE THE ASQ BRAND AND PUBLIC IMAGE: Highlight Quality experts and provide Quality knowledge growth opportunities in your community and others.
  • Create opportunities to showcase knowledge of Quality subject matter experts by publishing multimedia on ASQ Montreal Section subject matter experts.
  • Generate opportunities for training, learning, and education in Quality:
    • Offer and publicize the offering of ASQ certification preparation courses;
    • Promote ASQ in local industry conferences by attending local industry conferences with the intent to promote ASQ;
    • Conduct Student Outreach events by doing networking session with educational institution(s)/students;
    • Recognize section leaders and/or members: Present awards to section leaders and/or members having demonstrated section leadership and involvement.
3. DELIVER OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE: Leverage the expertise of Quality Professionals to ensure best practices in Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEI&B) culture, member experiences, efficient operations, access to quality content and education, governance, and financial responsibility are implemented to support ASQ and Geographic Communities.
  • Advance a culture of DEI&B to make the Society a place everyone feels welcome:
    • Engage francophone members and customers through sponsored French professional events;
    • Have Section Leadership Team (SLT) attend a course on DEI&B;
    • Develop a DEI&B plan.
  • Deliver a greater member experience and make it easier for ASQ members to participate and make their voices heard:
    • Issue regular newsletters throughout the active part of the year;
    • Post content on myASQ website targeting member feedback.
  • Drive efficiency and manage resources responsibly by meeting the approved budget bottom line and taking into account adjustments made throughout the year.
  • Contribute content to the myASQ community site to reach members across channels by posting content on the Montreal Section myASQ website.
  • Create meaningful learning and networking opportunities.
    • Conduct in-person networking session with members;
    • Conduct networking session with educational institution(s)/students.
  • Deliver Geographic Community minimum requirements:
    • Acknowledge the Member Unit Operating Agreement (MUOA);
    • All Member Leaders complete General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR) training;
    • Deliver member value by conducting member events;
    • Conduct Section Leadership Committee (SLC) meetings;
    • Participate in Geographic Community Council’s (GCC) meetings or trainings;
    • Submit officers list using Committee Manager and after having conducted the elections;
    • Prepare and submit yearly business plan and budget to RD for approval;
    • Member value by posting content on myASQ;
    • Submit ASQ Community Annual Report in Q1 by communicated deadline;
    • Submit year end financial report, if applicable (not required for sections on Billhighway);
    • Sustain the section’s leadership team by recruiting section members to join the Section Leadership Team (SLT).

We look forward to seeing you at our events and should you decide to help us in our endeavours, we will make room around the Section Leadership meeting table. We’d love to hear from you here.


ASQ Montreal — 2024 Business Plan (2023-09-22) Read More »

Call for Officer Nominations 2023

ASQ Montreal — Call for Officer Nominations 2023

Sam WeissfellnerFrom : Sam Weissfelner, ASQ Senior, ASQ CSQE, CQA, Nominations Committee Chair

We are looking for candidates for three elected positions on the 2024 Section Leadership Team (SLT): Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer. Here is a brief description of each position:

            • Chair: Provides leadership and oversight to the member unit, prepares meeting agendas, and is the presiding officer.
            • Secretary: Documents member unit business and maintains the records. This position serves as the official correspondent of the member unit.
            • Treasurer: Oversees funds, maintains accurate financial records, and reports on financial condition as directed by the Society bylaws and policies and procedures.

The election process involves that the Nominating Committee submits a slate of officers to be approved at the General Assembly. To hold a Section Officer position, you must be a Professional, Senior or Fellow ASQ Member in good standing affiliated with our Section. To submit alternate nominations for Section officer positions, please complete and submit this Nomination Form before September 30, 2023

The proposed Leadership Team slate will be published in the October edition of the Newsletter and the new SLT will be approved at our planned Annual General Assembly to be held on October 26th, 2023. Here is a complete listing of current ASQ Montreal Section positions.

For more information on these positions, should you be interested in participating on the upcoming Section Leadership Team or have any questions on the roles themselves, please contact me at the Nominations Committee.

Thank-you to all and have a great vacation.


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ASQ PEP 2022 Performance Awards

ASQ PEP 2022 Performance Awards

ASQ 2022 Performance Excellence Program   ASQ 2022 PEP Gold Award

ASQ-HQ offered its congratulations to the 2022 Awardees for Member Unit Performance Excellence!

It was a total of 17 Technical Communities (Divisions) and 28 Geographic Communities (Sections) which were recognized for their commitments and excellence. For 2022, five out of the 13 Canadian Sections won recognition. We are especially proud to report that amongst the seven GOLD winners, both the Montreal and Toronto Sections were recognized. Calgary won Silver recognition, and both Edmonton and Hamilton won Bronze recognition.

The ASQ Performance Excellence Program was created by Milwaukee-based ASQ to recognize Member Units for excellent performance that reinforces ASQ’s position as the thought leader and expands ASQ offerings to members and customers:
• Contributions to ASQ thought leadership, as measured by myASQ content postings;
• Member Engagement and Experience, as measured by myASQ activity and member increases;
• Fiduciary responsibility, as measured by adherence to budget;
• Achievement of business plan objectives, as measured by self-reported progress on business goals and targets.
These measures were evaluated based on the Member Unit’s own baseline data and self-reported business plan progress. Award levels were conferred using a common point system.



ASQ PEP 2022 Performance Awards Read More »

Radical Transformation Kaikaku – A personal Story

Radical Transformation Kaikaku – A personal Story

By Jean-Pierre Amiel,  ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web Committee Chair

On the 30th of November 2022 we had the privilege to meet and hear Albanesa Ymaya, CLSSBB, TPS, Kaikaku Practitioner describe her approach on transformation in Kaikaku Before Kaizen. What I didn’t know then, was that Albanesa had also had her own personal radical transformation. In 2019, she survived a terrible car accident. Today, on LinkedIn, she reports in her own philosophical way how that day caused her to reflect that on life — not personal or professional — but both. This reflection set her on a dream to visit Japan, the place where the Toyota Production System began…. Here’s part of that post, translated from Spanish:

Albanesa Ymaya Accident Picture-2019

😱 4 years ago in that vehicle! Where my life could have ended in a minute and thus many of my dreams. But if this is a professional network (LinkedIn) why am I sharing something so intimate and personal? Simple. Over the years I have discovered that there is no real separation between the professional and the personal, because all we have is a life. A life that we occupy at different times.
Our professional life is completely tied to who we are as a person. Well, there is only one life!
After that fateful accident, I promised myself that I would live every moment as if it were the last day of my life and fight with all my might to achieve every dream I had… Four years ago, I made a firm decision not to keep waiting and today, thanks to God and the work of my team and family, I will be able to realize another big dream…. I will be in the place where one of the most admired business models in the world (the Toyota Production System) began …. I will finally be in Japan!
Today I invite you to fight with all your heart for each of your dreams ….. I invite you to take one action each day that will bring you closer to achieving them….. Never give up!

Radical Transformation Kaikaku – A personal Story Read More »

ASQ Montreal —Women in Quality Initiative

ASQ Montreal — Women in Quality Initiative

By Women in Quality InitiativeVeronica marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB, ASQ Member, Social media Chair.

Today, March 22, 2023, the Montreal Section introduces our Women in Quality Initiative. We want to showcase women, their accomplishments, their successes, and inspire the next generation of Women in Quality.
Will you join us?

Click here for a silent video or access the survey.



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Business Plan 2023 | Plan d’affaires 2023

ASQ Montreal — Business Plan 2023 | Plan d’affaires 2023

Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Secrétaire

Business Plan 2023 Plan d’affaires 2023

In 2023, ASQ-HQ continues its Business Plan based on four major strategic goals. In order to support those strategic goals, the ASQ Regions, Divisions and Sections developed an overall strategic plan aligned with those goals and based on four major priorities: Drive thought leadership; Provide an advanced and comprehensive education experience; Enhance the member experience, and Institute best practices.

For your Montreal Section Section Leadership Team (SLT), this then translated into the development of local action plans and objectives. They are aligned with ASQ-HQ’s Strategic Goals and briefly described HERE along with the results as of 2023-03-03.

En 2023, l’ASQ-HQ poursuit son Plan d’affaires basé sur quatre objectifs stratégiques majeurs. Afin de soutenir ces objectifs stratégiques, les régions, divisions et sections de l’ASQ ont élaboré un plan stratégique global aligné sur ces objectifs et basé sur quatre priorités majeures : Stimuler le leadership éclairé ; Fournir une expérience d’éducation avancée et complète ; Améliorer l’expérience des membres, et Instituer les meilleures pratiques.

Pour votre équipe de direction de la section de Montréal (EDS), cela s’est ensuite traduit par l’élaboration de plans d’action et d’objectifs locaux. Ils sont alignés sur les objectifs stratégiques de l’ASQ-HQ et brièvement décrits ICI ainsi que les résultats en date du 2023-03-03.

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Lean: A catalyst for sustainable businesses — Guest appearance in Indianapolis

Lean: A catalyst for sustainable businesses — Guest appearance in Indianapolis

This Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2023, while we were enjoying little chocolates with our significant others, our Social media Chair and resident knows-a-lot-about-sustainability, Veronica Marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB, ASQ Member, President, Founder and Senior Consultant of Aristeio was sharing her knowledge and experience on Lean: A catalyst for sustainable businesses with participants at an event put on by the ASQ Indianapolis Section. Her presentation aimed at showing the synergy that exists between Lean management and realizing a sustainable organisation. Here are some notes on that presentation.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Recent unusual extreme weather events in our southern neighbour’s regions, probably peaked her audience’s curiosity to learn more on how “human actions still have the potential to determine the future course of climate”. Veronica, a believer that lean tools are in the forefront of solutions, proposed ways for participants to instigate the necessary changes in their organisation so that sustainability becomes part of their Lean path and evolution.

Her basis is from various European studies in 2019 which showed that ten countries produced more than 68% of global greenhouse gas emissions (!!). In that report, China was the largest, followed by the US, India, the European Union (27 countries counted as one), Russia, Japan, Brazil, Indonesia, Iran and Canada. It also showed that for the US and Canada (in similar proportions but not quantities), the majority of the effects were from Electricity/Heat, Transportation, Building and Manufacturing/Construction. It was proposed that in 2016, globally, energy use represented 73,2% of the 50 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Having made that statement, it followed that there goals must be set and solutions found. The United Nations (UN) set 17 goals. Veronica proposes that Sustainability in Supply Chain management — the orchestration and continuous improvement of planning and execution of processes on strategic, tactical and operational level along a value chain end-to-end, operating within economic, environmental, and social thresholds — should be one of them.

The emissions throughout the supply chain may be identified and then reduced or eliminated by thinking in terms of Lean and Green processes — economic growth is combined with continued reductions of greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. This may be achieved by the use of effective demand management and efficiency measures, the efficient use of energy, water, and other natural resources, optimized inputs to production processes, and a decrease/elimination of the level of waste to landfill.

Lean   Green
  • Management System
  • Improve performance
  • Create value for the customer
  • True north
  • Efficiency
  • Waste reduction
  • People involvement
  • Cost reduction
  • Reducing hazardous emissions
  • Eliminating wasteful resources
  • Recycling
  • Minimizing health risks and environmental footprint during the whole life-cycle.

VSM Green CharacteristicsVisual Stream MappingBecause “linking Lean and Green is a real advantage as opposed to implementing two distinct approaches”, Veronica explained that of the various tools currently available to the professional (5S, ANDON, JIT, KANBAN, POKE-YOKE, SMED and TPM), shared examples of 5S and TPM could work to solve productivity and environmental issues as part of  a strategic vision for Lean and Green. In that regard, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed adding a “Green” layer perspective to the traditional Visual Stream Mapping (VSM) typically used in Lean to document every step in the process. This “Green” layer perspective could then be applied to environmental projects and help instigate the necessary changes in an organisation so that sustainability becomes part of their Lean path and evolution.

Veronica then proposed how to integrate the Lean-Green deployment as a strategic sustainability, the integration into the corporate bottom-line and discussed steps to overcome barriers. An interesting presentation indeed.

Some further ressources:

Lean: A catalyst for sustainable businesses — Guest appearance in Indianapolis Read More »

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