
Wishes-Souhaits 2020

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Other ASQ Events

Read about some other activities within the ASQ Community: Canada Conference and Regional Webinars.

Canada Conference 2020 – Canada – Conférence sur la qualité 2020:

For more information on this upcoming conference, go to our myASQ web site | Pour plus d’informations sur cette conférence à venir, allez à notre site web myASQ. Informations & Réservation.

Regional Webinars:

To see the list of webinars being offered by ASQ’s Canada/Greenland Region, visit our myASQ site | Pour voir la list des webinaires proposés par la région Canada/Groenland de l’ASQ, visitez notre site myASQ “Canada/Greenland Region Webinars – Webinaires“.

To see the list of webinars being offered by ASQ’s Europe, Middle East, And Africa Region, visit our myASQ site | Pour voir la list des webinaires proposés par la région Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique de l’ASQ, visitez notre site myASQ “Webinars – Europe, Middle East, And Africa Region“.

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Student Outreach Committee – 2020 Eric Stern Award

Farnoosh NaderkhaniBy Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani – ASQ Member, Assistant Professor @ Concordia, Student Outreach Committee Chair.

In memory of Eric Stern – a respectfully remembered ASQ Montreal Section Leader and Concordia Alumni, the “Eric Stern Award” is granted to Master students at Concordia. The 2020 Eric Stern Award competition is organized by the Student Outreach Committee of the ASQ Montreal Section, together with the rest of the Leadership Team at ASQ Montreal, and Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science. The Eric Stern Award competition is open to full time Master of Science (MASc) or Master of Engineering (MEng) students registered at Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering (CIISE) or Industrial Engineering from Mechanical, Aerospace and Industrial Engineering (MAIE) at Concordia University.

Interested students are invited to participate in this competition with a $500 CAD award to win. The focus of this competition is on individually defined quality related projects on topics such as inspection, defect detection, and quality control, to name but a few. We hope the students see the exercise as a rewarding learning exercise and small financial incentive to compete and win, as well as learn more and appreciate a fellow alumnus that made his mark with several societies, not just ASQ and Concordia.

The deadline to submit projects (report of maximum 5 pages) is now December 5, 2020. The reports should be emailed to Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Naderkhani.

See the 2020 Eric Stern Award for more details.

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Voice of the Customer – Voix du client

Amine DjeffalBy Amine Djeffal, ASQ CQA, RAC, Quality and Regulatory Affairs Professional

For our October event with Diego Lythgoe: most of the participants were ASQ members (full and senior members). Feedback from participants were highly positive for Subject and Approach categories, with scores above 95% whereas results for Presenter and Exchange categories were 96% and 68% respectively.

Interestingly 46% of the audience declared themselves as Quality Specialist mostly in the manufacturing area.

Participants have expressed interest to attend other webinars, although no specific topics have been proposed.

Based on poll results, nearly 68% of the participants heard about the event through the Section’s Newsletter, which demonstrates it is still the perfect communication channel to reach a maximum of ASQ members and keep them informed about Section’s events. Finally, 7:00 – 9:00 pm was the best time to join webinar.

We would like to thank all the attendees for their renewed confidence towards the Montreal ASQ Section’s Leadership Team. We look forward to connecting with you soon at one of our events.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ASQ Montreal Section will continue to hold virtual events.

Stay tuned.

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Upcoming Events – En préparation

We are preparing a few events for the coming year. We hope you will join us Ι Pour l’année prochaine, nous planifions plusieurs événements. Nous espérons vous y voir.

  • Conduire des audits virtuels (en français)
  • Utiliser le Lean pour démarrer une unité d’urgences pédiatrique (en français)
  • Variability Reduction “B Corp” Certifications
  • The Future of Quality Jobs Critical Thinking for Quality Professionals
  • Panel: International Women in Quality (planifiée pour mars)
  • Pecha Kucha Night (nous espérons quelques-unes en français)

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Had You Connected to the Last Event

Diego Lithgoe

Veronica MarquezBy Veronica Marquez, M.Sc., CSSBB, ASQ senior member, and Had You Connected . . . COACHING SIX-SIGMA TEAMS

On October 28th, the Montreal section was around their computer screens to listen to a talk about Diego Lythgoe’s perspective on his journey of coaching.

Diego started with introducing the “coaching definition”, according to the International Coaching Federation (ICF): “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential”. It is important to realise that coaching is not teaching and is not mentoring. It is an exploration based on curiosity and not knowing the answers. For those that practice Lean Six Sigma projects, this may sound somewhat familiar.

Based on my understanding from the presentation, the coaching’s competency model relies on 4 main sections. I’ve represented it in the following table.

The coach is there to help the client, not to solve the issue. The conversation therefore needs to focus on how the client is seeing and understanding the issue. It is about seeing the issue from the client’s perspective and their understanding of it. Since the coach is there for the client’s “growth to be optimal”, the focus must be on the client and not the issue being solved.

When looking at coaching outcomes specifically for a LSS practitioner’s development path, we can see two distinct axes. First, from individual to collective goals. Second, from behaviour to results. This 2 by 2 matrix lets us plot the different coaching outcomes that can be worked on depending on the experience of the LSS and the goals of development. Since Diego was addressing coaching in LSS teams, the team dynamics becomes an important element to consider. Therefore, he looks for shared goals and purposes; structured communications; allocated responsibilities and accountabilities; a level of interdependence; a willingness to place the collective goal above their own priorities; clear boundaries; and operating within a social system context. The coach of the LSS team must be able to understand the environment within which the team is operating; understand the phases of team development; understand the power and politics; connect the coaching to organisational change and development; and finally, consider the coaching as a leadership development process.

Interestingly, Diego presented the coaching system as being part of a social ecology, i.e. the organisation’s environment. Meaning that the coach interacts within an established system between the client team and the management, and both of these form part of the whole organisation. The coach’s relationship with both the client team and the management requires important levels of trust that cannot be breached. Therefore, a situation where the coach also directly reports to the management can create discomfort and uneasiness. Clear guidelines and methodology appear to be critical for the coaching cycle to be successful when in such an environment.Finally, as practitioners of LSS, we are familiar with the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control (DMAIC) approach. Diego took it further and applied coaching to it and presented a new framework which guides the coach to use the DMAIC principles when coaching. The key elements of this framework are that all steps are driven with open questions as the coach wants to insight reflection to the client.

Diego finished the presentation with some of his personal “a-ha” moments into his coaching journey. His passion for coaching and for LSS wholly evident through his entire talk. I sincerely hope that you can meet him one day and have a conversation with him about coaching. It will encourage you to learn more about it.

Thank you Diego!

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The Editor’s Corner

Michael Bournazian

Michael Bournazian

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB

As this is the final Newsletter of 2020, I want to take up this space by saying THANK YOU to everyone who has taken the time to read them this year.

This year had been unique to say the least. So I think I speak for all my Section Leadership Team colleagues when I say that your participation in 2020 ASQ events it is wholeheartly appreciated. We have more coming in 2021, so stay tuned.

Finally, a thank you to my former work colleague Diego Lythgoe on his presentation to the Section last month. It was wonderful to see how he has taken his Quality expertise onwards and upwards. Continued success Diego!

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Next Event – Prochain RDV

Exploiter votre système de management de la qualité (SMQ) certifié ISO pour garantir la sécurité des données critiques (en Français, Q&R Bilingue)

Mercredi 25 novembre, 2020 à 19:00

For more information on this upcoming event, see our Newsletter, myASQ or myASQ-FR.

Information | Reservations Webex Reservations

Cristian DragnefCette présentation par Cristian Dragnef, président de Seratos Consulting, vous apprendra comment tirer parti de votre cadre ISO 9001 pour mettre en œuvre un SMSI certifié ISO qui protégera les données de votre organisation.

Dans un monde et un environnement de travail de plus en plus numérisés, les cyberattaques et les accès non autorisés peuvent facilement compromettre la qualité de vos produits et menacer votre propriété intellectuelle. En vertu de la GDPR et d'autres règlements de protection de la vie privée actuellement en vigueur, le fait de ne pas reconnaître ou signaler une violation peut également s'avérer financièrement catastrophique.

Cristian nous expliquera comment exploiter un système de gestion de la qualité (SGQ) certifié ISO, pour obtenir à la fois la certification et la tranquillité d'esprit avec l'ajout d'un cadre de sécurité de l'information certifié ISO 27001:2013 Système de gestion de la sécurité de l'information (SGSI). Ce SGSI vous permettra de répondre plus efficacement aux exigences réglementaires et législatives sans cesse croissantes, de réduire les instances de duplication des tâches et de rationaliser les processus standard tels que le contrôle de la documentation et des enregistrements, les audits internes, la revue de direction, le contrôle des non-conformités et la gestion des actions correctives.

Cristian Dragnef est auditeur principal accrédité ISMS auprès de l’IRCA, un ISMS certifié, un formateur QMS auprès de RABQSA et un auditeur accrédité par STAR Alliance. Il possède plus de 20 ans d’expérience et une vaste expertise en matière de gestion des risques et de la sécurité de l’information, de systèmes de gestion de la qualité, de gestion des services informatiques et de développement de logiciels.

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