Word from the Chair

By Chantale Simard, MBA, Quality Assurance Analyst, Bombardier Aviation, ASQ CMQOE and CSSGB

This month, I would like to share with you a summary of our Business Plan for 2021. First, all objectives of Geographic Community (GC) level entities such as the Montreal Section and the Canada and Greenland Region must be aligned with the ASQ Strategic objectives. Those are:

  • Improve the individual member experience
  • Institute best practices in governance, operations, and risk management
  • Drive thought leadership in excellence through quality
  • Deliver new, tailored solutions to organizational members and customers.

Your section business plan includes metrics and targets. Here is a list of our main targets for this year:

  • Support the Canada Conference 2021 in October: This one just changed to Hosting the Canada Conference 2021. You may remember my February article where I told you about our main objectives for this big event!
  • Host one of the 9 Regional Webinars
  • Host 8 Montreal events and 2 Student events
  • Publish 8 newsletters per year
  • Increase in myASQ activity over 2020 with a focus on new joins and downloads.
  • Minimum 3 French-language events in the Montreal area and minimum one of the events of the Student Outreach committee in French.
  • Find new ways for promotion of ASQ certifications and make investments

If you want to volunteer on the Section Leadership Team (SLT), we always need extra help. You need to be a “Full”, “Senior” or “Fellow” member to join. We hold a meeting at the beginning of every month (except during the summer). Our meetings are all virtual for the moment. But, even when we were holding face to face meetings, we started using technology to accommodate SLT members to join electronically. This makes it easier for members outside the Montreal area or people with different or busy schedules to get involve. Some of us are giving a lot of time to the Section and others have less time to invest and it is really good; all help is welcome.

All volunteers are adding value to Section members and help attain our mission: To promote and enhance the quality profession by providing support to our Section membership, offering information, educational programs and events, and promoting the awareness and value of  quality in the community.

Contact me if you would like to help the Montreal Section by taking up a role on the SLT.

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