The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB

My days have been pretty busy for the past number of weeks, so you will forgive me if I have not taken any QUALITY time to think about what to write about here this month.

Did you happen to watch the QUALITY movie I recommended to you last month? If you did, I hope you enjoyed it.

Another question for you: have you signed up for our next QUALITY webinar later this month?

This will be our 6th Pecha Kucha Night event since 2014 and I will be hosting again. Myself and our speakers will do our QUALITY best to make sure the evening is entertaining and educational for everyone. If you have not yet signed up, CLICK HERE and do so.

Wow, I was worried I would have nothing of QUALITY to speak of 😉

EDITOR’S NOTE: Neither the “C” word nor the “P” word were used during the writing of this article.


Any feedback? Click on the link and let me know.

ALSO . . .  Please contact me or any one else on the Leadership team if you would like to:

1) Write and submit an article to be published in the Newsletter.

2) Write a review of one of the upcoming monthly webinars for the “Had You Been There” section.

Thank you, all the best and none of the worst.

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