Where are you?

** Where are you? **

WhereBy Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA Retired
If you think that we can’t reach out to you, you’re probably right.

Our event surveys have shown that although our members get to learn of our upcoming events mostly through our Newsletter, we can only send it to you if we have your email address. Many members, probably because they are tired of receiving unwanted emails, do not share their address with ASQ.

If that is your case but you want the Newsletter delivered to your electronic device, Login to ASQ.org, click My Account and set the appropriate parameters (Address Information, Contact Information). To reduce noise from ASQ, click on Opt In/Opt Out then EDIT and select the options in the three categories. To receive our Newsletter, in Member Communication, check-off Section Communication.
Don’t forget to click Save and then surf or Logout.

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