The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB with Rolls-Royce

In my corner last month, I spoke about “Year-end” . . . in financial terms. This month, it’s a different year-end.

As usual, November brings to an end our Section’s event activities, as well as Newsletter activities until January of the following year.

So I would like to take this opportunity, as I have in previous November issues of this Newsletter, to wish everyone a joyous holiday season. However you celebrate, I hope it is filled with peace and love.

See you in 2024. 


Any feedback? Click on the link and let me know.

ALSO . . .  Please contact me or any one else on the Leadership team if you would like to:
1) Write and submit an article to be published in the Newsletter.
2) Write a review of one of the upcoming monthly webinars for the “Had You Been There” section.

Thank you, all the best and none of the worst.

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