The Editor’s Corner | Mot de l’éditeur

By Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, Quality Management Professional, CSSGB with Rolls-Royce

Hello, and welcome back to your favourite (I hope) Quality newsletter. I sincerely hope everyone had a good summer, which continues until September 23, 2023 🙂

I have often talked about “Quality of Life” here in my corner, about how important it is to have a good work-life balance. Like all normal first-world country people though, my balance sometimes falters. The one constant imbalance in my life for the past 10 years was that I had not made the effort to take a proper vacation. By vacation, I mean go away/travel somewhere for an extended period of time, and not just stay at home for a week away from work.

For about 6 years, I was emotionally not into doing any big travel. Then in early 2020 when I turned a corner and decided it was time, the world decided to have a pandemic. This year though, suffice it to say that enough was enough.

In short, my partner and I got on a plane and headed to Newfoundland. I have had friends there since the late 1990s and it was nice to see them on their home turf for the first time in a decade. It was especially nice for my partner who had never been to the east coast of Canada before, not to mention also being vacation deprived for a number of years. We spent a week touring around the east coast of the province and in the capital of St. John’s. We ate good, we saw beautiful places, and best of all, we disengaged from our regular lives for a week.

Is our “Quality of Life” drastically different now? I think we all know the answer. That said, being able to “change” for a brief period of time does do wonders for one’s mental well-being, as well as leave you with lifelong memories. I hope I can continue pursuing a better balance.


Any feedback? Click on the link and let me know.

ALSO . . .  Please contact me or any one else on the Leadership team if you would like to:
1) Write and submit an article to be published in the Newsletter.
2) Write a review of one of the upcoming monthly webinars for the “Had You Been There” section.

Thank you, all the best and none of the worst.

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