Awards Gallery

  • Recognition Awards | Prix De Reconnaissance (General Assembly | Assemblée Générale 2022)
    By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web Committee Chair Canada Region Event October 2021 TeamHad you attended our General Assembly this past October 26, 2022, you would have had the opportunity to finally congratulate the 2021 ASQ Canada Conference committee led by Chantale Simard. An ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award was given last year by our Regional Director, Puneet Manchada, for the committee’s work; however, because of the COVID pandemic, the actual physical award was only made available recently. We were finally able to do the group photo of the team with the award. The team was composed of Sam Weissfelner, Veronica Marquez, Marcel A. Charbonneau, Eric Hosking, David Tozer, Chantale Simard, Jean-Pierre Amiel. Absent from the photo: Mauricio Figueroa, Ruth Stanley and Michel Guenette.

    Congratulations to the team for all the hard work to make this bilingual event a success.

    Si vous aviez assisté à notre Assemblée générale le 26 octobre 2022, vous auriez eu l’occasion de féliciter enfin le comité de la 2021 ASQ Canada Conference dirigé par Chantale Simard. Un prix d’excellence ASQ Member Leader a été donné par notre directeur régional, Puneet Manchada, l’année dernière pour le travail du comité; mais à cause de la pandémie de COVID, le prix physique n’a été rendu disponible que récemment. Nous avons enfin pu faire la photo de groupe de l’équipe avec le prix. L’équipe était composée de Sam Weissfelner, Veronica Marquez, Marcel A. Charbonneau, Eric Hosking, David Tozer, Chantale Simard, Jean-Pierre Amiel. Absent de la photo souvenir: Mauricio Figueroa, Ruth Stanley et Michel Guenette.
    Félicitations à l’équipe pour tout le travail accompli pour faire de cet événement bilingue un succès.

    Veronica Marquez receives the award from Chantale SimardDe la même façon, il y a eu un retard dans la remise d’un prix physique à Veronica Marquez, pour tout le travail qu’elle a accompli pour amener la section de Montréal dans le domaine des médias sociaux. Parmi ces efforts, Veronica a lancé: Sur la photo souvenir, Veronica reçoit le prix des mains de Chantale Simard présidente de la section Montréal 2020. Veronica, merci pour ce défi.
    In a similar fashion, there was a delay in giving a physical award to Veronica Marquez for all her work in bringing the Montreal Section into the realm of social media. Amongst those efforts, Veronica launched: In the souvenir photo, Veronica receives the Award from Chantale Simard, Montreal Section Chair 2020. Thank-you Veronica for the challenges.
  • Had You Been to the Last Event | Si vous étiez présent

    This October 26th, 2022 was a special two part event.

    Part 1 General Assembly: The Montreal Section Chair, Raymond E. Dyer (Ray), ASQ Senior Member, CMQ/OE, & CQA,  welcomed everyone, confirmed there was quorum  and opened the General Assembly. He stated that although it was no longer a requirement from ASQ, this has been an on-going tradition for over 72 years. This year, even more it gave the Section Leadership Team (SLT) an opportunity to renew in-person contacts since March 2020 and exchange with our membership. Each SLT Chair presented a short report of their activities. Then, he proceeded to give a series of Recognition Awards, some overdue since 2020 as the physical awards were not available:

      1. Denis Pronovost Award: Raymond Dyer reminded the assembly that a student bursary award had been created by Marcel Charbonneau with the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) in memory of Denis Pronovost, a friend and well appreciated guest of both the Montreal English and French sections. It was handed out to Patrick Barnes, a student at the Quality Certificate of the ÉTS at the section’s June 15, 2022 Workshop event. Patrick presented his team project which fit right in with the workshop’s theme (More details here).
      2. Recognition Award for ASQ Canada Conference Committee: Chantale Simard was presented the award last year for her work and that of the team composed of Veronica Marquez, Mauricio Figueroa, David Tozer, Ruth Stanley, Jean-Pierre Amiel, Michel Guenette and Eric Hosking. The award was only received physically this year so a group picture was finally done with the award (More details here).
      3. Recognition Award to Veronica Marquez: This award was presented to Veronica last year by Chantale but was only received physically this year so a picture was finally done with the award (More details here).
      4. Recognition Awards 2022: Finally, Ray pulled out two more awards to thank two long-standing members of the SLT “In recognition of your commitment and outstanding contributions to the ASQ Montreal Section and your community“.

    Ce 26 octobre 2022 était un événement spécial en deux parties.

    Première partie – l’Assemblée générale: Le président de la section de Montréal, Raymond E. Dyer (Ray), membre senior de l’ASQ, CMQ/OE et CQA, a souhaité la bienvenue à tous, a confirmé que le quorum était atteint et a ouvert l’assemblée générale. Il a déclaré que bien que ce ne soit plus une exigence de l’ASQ, c’est une tradition qui se poursuit depuis plus de 72 ans. Cette année, plus encore, elle a donné à l’équipe de direction de section (SLT) l’occasion de renouveler les contacts en personne depuis mars 2020 et d’échanger avec nos membres. Chaque responsable de secteur de la SLT a présenté un bref rapport de ses activités. Puis, il a procédé à la remise d’une série de prix de reconnaissance, certains en retard depuis 2020 car les prix physiques n’étaient pas disponibles:

      1. Bourse Denis Pronovost: Raymond Dyer rappelle à l’assemblée qu’une bourse d’études a été créée par Marcel Charbonneau avec l’École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS) à la mémoire de Denis Pronovost, un ami et un invité très apprécié des sections montréalais anglophone et francophone. Il a été remis à Patrick Barnes, étudiant au certificat de qualité de l’ÉTS, lors de l’atelier de la section du 15 juin 2022. Patrick a présenté son projet d’équipe qui s’inscrivait parfaitement dans le thème de l’atelier (Plus de détails ici).
      2. Prix de reconnaissance pour le comité de la conférence d’ASQ Canada: Chantale Simard a reçu le prix l’année dernière pour son travail et celui de l’équipe composée de Veronica Marquez, Mauricio Figueroa, David Tozer, Ruth Stanley, Jean-Pierre Amiel, Michel Guenette et Eric Hosking. Le prix n’ayant été reçu que physiquement cette année, une photo de groupe a finalement été réalisée avec le prix (Plus de détails ici).
      3. Prix de reconnaissance à Veronica Marquez: Ce prix a été présenté à Veronica l’année dernière par Chantale mais n’a été reçu que physiquement cette année donc une photo a finalement été faite avec le prix (Plus de détails ici).
      4. Prix de reconnaissance 2022: Enfin, Ray a sorti deux autres prix (voir les photos plus haut) pour remercier deux membres de longue date de la SLT “En reconnaissance de votre engagement et de vos contributions exceptionnelles à la section ASQ Montréal et à votre communauté“.

    Part 2 Workshop on Multiple Management Systems: For the second part of the evening, Ray did a short presentation on the challenges and the opportunities that come with having to deal with the myriad of standards and norms required to run a business. Typically, many standards may deal with quality, safety, environment, business continuity, social responsibility and others. These standards may be of international scope, state, provincial and even municipal: How can companies manage more than one management system?

    He then invited the 20 attendees to regroup into three teams with the mission To seek and share their experiences with and what they may have done, or think should be done, regarding the management of multiple Management Systems and their certifications. He proposed that each team choose a moderator and a note taker, raise and discuss ways to improve the integration of various management systems and then select the top 3 that would be shared with the other participants. What a special evening.

    Thank you all for participating!

    Seconde partie – Atelier sur les systèmes de gestion multiples: Pour la deuxième partie de la soirée, Ray a fait une courte présentation sur les défis et les opportunités qui se présentent lorsqu’on doit faire face à la myriade de standards et de normes nécessaires pour gérer une entreprise. En général, de nombreuses normes peuvent porter sur la qualité, la sécurité, l’environnement, la continuité des activités, la responsabilité sociale et autres. Ces normes peuvent être de portée internationale, étatique, provinciale et même municipale: comment les entreprises peuvent-elles gérer plus d’un système de gestion?

    Il a ensuite invité les 20 participants à se regrouper en trois équipes avec pour mission de rechercher et de partager leurs expériences et ce qu’ils ont pu faire, ou pensent qu’il faudrait faire, concernant la gestion de plusieurs systèmes de gestion et leurs certifications. Il a proposé que chaque équipe choisisse un modérateur et un preneur de notes, soulève et discute des moyens d’améliorer l’intégration de divers systèmes de gestion, puis sélectionne les trois meilleurs qui seront partagés avec les autres participants. Quelle soirée spéciale!

    Merci de votre participation!

    BSI Canada Gift | Cadeaux: Participants were offered hardcover, spiral notebooks provided by our long-time sponsor BSI Canada, and arranged by Michael Bournazian (Newsletter Editor) | Les participants se sont vu offert un cahier à spirale à couverture rigide fourni par notre commanditaire de longue date BSI Canada, et organisé par Michael Bournazian (éditeur du bulletin).

    Quality-related Books | Livres sur la qualité: Participants were also offered an opportunity to take quality-related books donated by Roger Pelletier (past chair of ASQ Section Québécoise) from his private collection | Les participants ont aussi eu l’opportunité de prendre des livres sur la qualité offert par Roger Pelletier (ancien président de la Section Québécoise de l’ASQ) de sa collection privée.

    Merci aux donateurs | Thank-you to the donors

    Our next WEBINAR | Notre prochain WEBINAIRE:
    2022.11.30, 19h00
    Kaikaku (radical change) before Kaizen (improvement) (Kaikaku (changement radical) avant Kaizen (amélioration))

    Your host | Votre hôte: Albanesa Ymaya in the Dominican Republic. Réservations| Informations

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  • Recognition Awards (General Assembly 2022)

    Recognition Awards (General Assembly 2022)

    By J.P. Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA ret., Web committee Chair

    ASQ Canada Region Event October 2021 TeamHad you attended our General Assembly this past October 26, 2022, you would have had the opportunity to finally congratulate the 2021 ASQ Canada Conference committee led by Chantale Simard. An ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award was given by Puneet Manchada, our Regional Director last year for the committee’s work but because of the Covid pandemic, the actual physical award was only made available recently. We were finally able to do the group photo of the team with the award.

    In the picture on the left, the team was composed of Sam Weissfelner, Veronica Marquez, CSSBB, Marcel A. Charbonneau, Eric Hosking, David Tozer, Chantale Simard, Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ Senior and CQA ret. and absent from the souvenir photo, Mauricio Figueroa, Ruth Stanley, MPA (Ottawa Section) and Michel Guenette (Hamilton Section).

    Congratulations to the team for all the hard work to make this bilingual event a success.

    Veronica Marquez-Chantale SimardIn a similar fashion, there was a delay in giving a physical award to Veronica Marquez, CSSBB for all her work in bringing the Montreal Section into the realm of social media. In the souvenir photo at right, Veronica (left) receives the Award from Chantale Simard, Montreal Section Chair 2020 (right).

    Amongst those efforts, as our Social Media Chair, Veronica launched our own Twitter account, helped set-up and manage our ASQ Montreal Quality Network – Réseau Qualité ASQ Montréal and ASQ Montreal Student Outreach LinkedIn accounts, as well as an Evenbrite account to promote and advertise our activities as well as to register participants to our various events.

    Thank-you Veronica for having challenged us.

  • 2022 Prix Denis Pronovost (Award)

    2022 Prix Denis Pronovost (Award)

    JP AmielMarcel Charbonneau, T.P., ASQ CQA, led the Montreal Section project to create a $500 award in honor of Denis Pronovost, who passed away in June 2015. Through his outstanding contribution to the association, his leadership and his involvement, Denis greatly participated in the promotion of quality in French in Quebec and was a frequent guest and speaker at the Section.

    Denis had a career of more than thirty years of work experience mainly in teaching and consulting in the field of management, quality assurance and audits. In 1990, with Pierre Caillibot, he founded Academia Qualitas in Quebec, where they developed courses and trained quality professionals in the manufacturing, service and laboratory sectors. Denis was a member of the Canadian Advisory Committee to ISO/TC 176, particularly active in the Terminology Working Group,the Interpretations Working Group and the joint CAC/ISO/TC 176/CAC/ISO TC 207 Working Group on Auditing and the Future of the ISO 19011 Audit Standard. He was also a lead auditor of quality management systems (QMS) certified by the Registrar Accreditation Board (RAB) and a senior member of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Denis was an active member and Chair of the ASQ Montreal Francophone Section from 2012-14.

    Denis was a speaker and instructor in North America, Central America, Europe and Asia. On more than five occasions, he came to the Montreal Section to present the evolution of the ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 standards. In 2000, he authored Internal Quality Auditing, a guide to conducting more effective internal audits, published by ASQ.

    Patrick Barnes & Marcel Charbonneau(Photo : Partick Barnes and Marcel Charbonneau) On June 8th, 2022, Marcel presented the award to Patrick Barnes, a student at the Certificat en gestion et assurance de la qualité de l’École de technologie supérieure (Management and Quality Assurance Certificate) of the École de technologie supérieure, a multidisciplinary program that provides training or development in management and quality assurance. Patrick will present a summary of his quality improvement project at the ETS. Award_Prix-Denis-Pronovost-PatrickBarnes_2022

    Congratulations to Patrick !!

  • ASQ Montreal Achievement Awards

    ASQ Montreal Achievement Awards

    Eric Hosking 2021By Eric Hosking, Section Treasurer, Membership Chair, CQA, CQE, CSSBB

    In January of last year we were pleased to acknowledge two of our leadership teams members, Jean-Pierre Amiel and Raymond Dyer for their extraordinary contributions in 2020. As much as we wanted to acknowledge the achievements of the year just gone by, we could not present the ASQ achievement award trophies because COVID restrictions prevented us from getting together for a ceremony. So this was done in a virtual format, preceding our regular monthly Webinar event. In that virtual world we could only show an image of the award trophy each of them had earned.

    We also had to admit that we did not even have the trophies. ASQ headquarters staff had no access to the storage area that the trophies were kept in. They were restricted to working from home. The trophies did not become available until late summer in 2021.

    EHosking + RDyer - Member Leader Award 2020

    As COVID restrictions eased through the late summer and fall, we planned an event for late November where we would finally be able to do justice and, in a second presentation of the award, actually hand over the trophies. This too was not to be: Omicron reared its ugly head and other personal emergencies arose that prevented our awardees from attending the event.

    I ultimately decided that the awards would be put in the rightful hands, COVID and other events notwithstanding. So I made home deliveries as you can see in the photos.

    EHosking + JPAmiel Member Leader Award 2020

    The award to Ray is in recognition of all the things he did in 2020 to keep us going. In particular, the things he did to keep our monthly speaker program going with very severe COVID restrictions in place, while we were driving to make our presence fully bilingual. You all should recognize Ray as the voice and face of our monthly webinar series. He also collaborated with other ASQ Canada Sections to form a Webex training group to support ASQ Canada’s virtual needs, and he contributed to the Canada Conference hosted by Toronto in 2020. This is outside other contributions in his role as Section Secretary and as member of our Student Outreach Committee.

    In 2020, J.P. took on the challenge of getting us functioning in not one, but two myASQ sites, making us the only ASQ section to have sites in two languages. He also updated our historical website to give it a more modern look. He joined the Webex training group, he contributed to the Canada Conference hosted by Toronto and he was the master control behind our webinars as we converted to the COVID imposed virtual world. This does not come close to describing all the other things he did as well.

    Congratulations again to Ray and JP.
    These are very well deserved awards.


  • ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award

    ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award

    By Jean-Pierre Amiel, ASQ Senior, CQA Retired

    Veronica Marquez

    At the General Assembly, Chantale Simard, ASQ Montreal Section Chair presented an ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award to Veronica Marquez, cssbb.
    Over the past years Veronica has done some outstanding contributions as Social Media chair and to the evolution of the Student Outreach committee, the Program committee, to the Canada Quality Conference and to the ASQ Region Webinars, just to mention a few examples!
    The whole team applauded Veronica for all her hard work. CONGRATULATIONS!

    Also on behalf of Puneet Manchada, our Regional Director who was absent, Chantale presented the Montreal Section an ASQ Member Leader Excellence Award for their realization of the 2021 ASQ Canada Conference.


  • Eric Stern Award 2020 – Winner
    Eric Stern Eric Stern Award 2020 – Winner Eric Stern
    A tribute to Eric Stern, well remembered ASQ Montreal Section Leader and Concordia Alumni

    Farnoosh NaderkhaniBy Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani, ASQ Member, Assistant Professor, Concordia University,
    Student Outreach Committee Chair
    Without a doubt, the COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly changed the world as we knew it, at the beginning of the 2nd decade of the 21st century. On the bright side, we all have learned to continue learning, working, and socializing in a virtual environment. I wish all students a healthy, productive and prosperous 2021.

    It is my great pleasure to announce that Mr. Kamyar Azar is the recipient of the ASQ Montreal Section’s 2020 Eric Stern Award. Mr. Azar is currently a full time Masters student, studying Quality System Engineering at the Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering (CIISE), Concordia University.

    Kamyar Azar - 2020 Eric Stern AwardIn summary, the intellectual merit of Kamyar’s work is in the development of advanced Machine Learning-based models (ML), coupled with Quality Control techniques to perform high accuracy predictions in the Healthcare industry. Nowadays, significant technological advancements have resulted in the availability of large multi-modal, complex and high-dimensional datasets within the Healthcare domain.

    Due to the complexity of such datasets, using dimension reduction techniques is more important than ever before to increase the training speed and to provide better interpretations. In this regard, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) control chart, a well-known quality control technique for data dimensionality reduction, is applied to analyze the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) imaging dataset. Finally, multiple classification models are “trained” to predict a tumor’s malignancy. In addition to significant theoretical and technological implications of such projects, like Healthcare being a key driver of Canada’s economy, advancements in this line of research can have a significant impact on our Healthcare industry.

    Congratulations Kamyar for your work. Great job.

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