Répertoires d'événements passés

2022 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Une marque employeur forte comme facteur clé pour le succès de votre transformation LeanMartin et Alexis Carignan2022-01-26
Approfondir l'efficacité énergétique avec l'ISO 50001Denis David et Cecile de Villemeur2022-02-23
Split personalities of QMS under FDA QSR, ISO 13485 and MDSAP medical devices regulations (Les dualités d'un SMQ aux normes d'appareils médicaux FDA QSR, ISO 13485 et MDSAP)Michelle Lott2022-03-30
Pecha Kucha (Webinaire bilingue | Bilingual Webinar)Animation: Michael Bournazian2022-04-27
AI in healthcare (Student Outreach)Nastaran Enshaei2022-05-19
"B Corp" certificationsCarolee Rigsbee 2022-05-25
What do Quality Professionals need/want to learn? | Que doivent/souhaitent apprendre les professionnels de la qualité?Ray Dyer2022-06-15
Robustness Thinking – A Best Practices in Design for Reliability (Student Outreach)Dr. Matthew Hu2022-07-07
Pharmaceutical data integrity and computer systems validation
(Intégrité des données pharmaceutiques et validation des systèmes informatiques)
Kia Kahhali2022-09-28
Applying Six Sigma in a coffee shop (Student Outreach)Tom Nagel2022-10-04
• General Assembly | Assemblée Générale
• Workshop: How to manage multiple Management System certifications | Atelier : Comment gérer plusieurs certifications de systèmes de gestion
(Bilingue | Bilingual)
Member Leaders and Animation by Ray Dyer | Équipe de direction et Animation Ray Dyer2022-10-26
Kaikaku (radical change) before Kaizen (improvement) | (Kaikaku (changement radical) avant le Kaizen (amélioration)
Albanesa Ymaya2022-11-20
Rev. 2022-12-31
2021 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Réaliser des audits virtuelsAnimation: Raymond Dyer2021-01-26
Can CI Influence the Reduction of Systemic Racism in Healthcare?Debbie Sears Barnard2021-02-24
Women in QualityAnimation: Veronica Marquez
Panelists: Marjaneh (Marsha) Pourmand, Véronique Boucher, Dr. Carolee Rigsbee and Dr. Farnoosh Naderkhani
Vers L’amélioration Continue 4.0, Un Petit Pas à La FoisRobert vadeboncoeur2021-04-28
Leveraging Continuous Improvement with Artificial IntelligenceLauren Hisey2021-05-26
Réseautage | Networking : La valeur des certifications de l'ASQ | The Value of ASQ certifications (Bilingue | Bilingual)Member Leaders - Équipe de direction2021-06-16
La marque employeur, facteur de succès pour vos projets d’améliorations de performance et de qualitéAlexandre Carignan2021-09-29
ASQ Canada & Greenland 2021 Quality Conference — Risk & ResilienceMontreal is hosting the event | Montréal est l'hôte2021-10-04 & 05
• General Assembly | Assemblée Générale
• Networking | Réseautage : How to choose a management system registrar | Choisir un registraire de système de gestion (Bilingue | Bilingual)
Member Leaders - Équipe de direction and Raymond E. Dyer2021-10-27
Lean start-up of a centre for pediatrics emergencies (Démarrage Lean d'un centre d'urgences pédiatriques) Dr. Sasha Dubrovsky, President and Co-Founder UP2021-11-14
Rev. 2021-11-25
2020 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Risk in GxP IndustriesSabrina Ippolito2020-01-29
How Simulation Can Enhance Scheduling by Avoiding Lean WasteVincent Béchard2020-02-26
Women in Quality Event to be rescheduledTo be rescheduled2020-03-25
Food FraudDeborah Esplin2020-04-29
Gestion des risques et mesures d'urgences dans le système de santé au QuébecJulie Savage-Fournier2020-05-27
Bienvenue à la section Montréal aux membres francophones et bilingue - Un réseautage virtuel en FrançaisAnimation: Chantal Simard & Raymond Dyer2020-06-17
Managing Risk with ISO 31000Jim Moran2020-09-30
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Six Sigma CoachingDiego Lythgoe2020-10-28
Exploiter votre système de gestion de la qualité (SGQ) ISO pour garantir la sécurité des données critiquesCristian Dragnef2020-11-25
Soirée Réseautage SpécialeAnimation: Chantal Simard2020-12-17
Rev. 2021-02-20
2019 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Night of the Registrars: The Impact of ISO 9001:2015Animation: Sam Weisfelner. Panel: Marc Cloutier (BSI), Tim Ryan (SAI Global), Sabrina Ippolito (SGS) & Chantale Farley (NQA Canada)
The use of Lean Six Sigma in MarketingElke Steinwender
Supply Chain Management and the challenges faced by our experts in the Aerospace, Pharmaceutical and Automotive SectorsAnimation: Sam Weisfelner. Panel: Pierre Bedard (Pratt & Whitney Canada), Robert Fairbairn (Delta Pharma Inc.) & George Azedo (SAI Global)
Lean and Statistical ThinkingMartin Carignan and Vincent Béchard
Pecha Kucha NightAvrum Goldman, Dubravka Kusmic, Chantale Farley & Farnoosh Naderkhani
ASQ Sections 401 & 404 Networking EventAnimation: Chantale Simard
The State of Organizational Excellence Across the WorldVeronica Marquez2019-09-25
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Cannabis Quality Assurance: at the Crossroads of Plant, Pharmaceutical and Food SciencesMarie-Eve Carrier2019-10-30
Securing Your Data: Should You Be Concerned?Marco Estrela
Rev. 2021-02-20
2017 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
ASQ Montreal Section 401 and 404 Networking Event & WorkshopAnimation: Chantale Simard2017-01-26
Six Sigma Panel EventAnimation: Eric Hosking; Panel: Dany Dumont, Pierre Gaudet, Mutair Kadiri2017-02-22
Human Factors in Incident InvestigationsMitchell Daudier2017-03-29
AS9100D: From an Auditor's Point of ViewRobert Demers201-04-26
Mind Mapping for Quality ProfessionalsRajesh Tyagi2017-05-31
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042017-07-07
Escape Management: Lessons Learned From the Front Lines of AerospaceLuc Juneau and Avrum Goldman2017-09-20
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Continuous Improvement at the Montreal Children's HospitalDr. Sasha Dubrovsky2017-10-25
Pecha Kucha NightAnimation: Michael Bournazian; Presentations: Veronica Marquez, Dubravka Kusmic, Mutair Kadiri, Raymond Dyer2017-11-29
Rev. 2021-02-22
2016 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
ASQ Members Networking EventAnimation: Chantale Simard2016-01-27
Modern GMP Science and Risk Based Approach for the 21st CenturyAdy Sadek2016-02-24
Registrar's NightIntertek, SAI Global, and NQA Canada2016-03-23
Pecha Kucha NightAnimation: Michael Bourkanian; Presentation: Mutair Kadiri, Gordon Ayotte, Rajesh Kumar Tyagi, Dr. David Tozer2016-04-27
Quality Management Process Measures & Workforce MobilizationPierre Marquis2016-05-25
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042016-07-08
Optimization of Snow Removal at the City of MontrealSimon Cloutier and Yvan Lévesque2016-09-28
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Acceptance Sampling TechniquesBassem Bouslah2016-10-26
Industrial MetrologyXavier Guillard
Rev. 2021-02-20
2015 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Using LinkedIn to NetworkRaymond Dyer2015-01-21
Supplier Quality Management in AerospaceJohn Reid2015-02-19
Lean Maturity Assessment ToolMarie-Hélène Jobin2015-03-25
Demystifying ISO 9001:2015Jim Moran2015-04-22
A Quality Night of Pecha Kucha PresentationsAnimation: Eric Hosking; Presentations: Dr. David Tozer, Anne-Marie Pizzitelli, Jim Moran2015-05-27
Annual Golf Tournament + M O O Z WorkshopSections 401 & 404; Presentations:
Josée-Anne Bergeron & Jean-Marc Legentil
Plant Visit - Alpha Casting Inc.Plant Tour | Visite industrielle2015-09-30
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Networking on TwitterPresentation: Eleonor Jasmin
AS9100 Revision 2016 (Key Changes)Roger Pelletier
Rev. 2021-02-20
2014 | DescriptionGuest | InvitéDate
Measurement Uncertainty in the Laboratory and on the Shop Floor>Using LinkedIn to NetworkDavid Llorens2014-01-22
A Quality Night of Pecha Kucha PresentationsPresentations: Michael Bournazian, Pierre Dovala, Raymond Dyer, Jim Moran2014-02-19
Continuous ImprovementGeorge Laszlo2014-03-19
Counterfeit Parts in the Aircraft IndustryEric Hosking2014-04-16
Deployment of PPAP (Production Part Approval Process)Nicole Talbot2014-05-20
Annual Golf TournamentSections 401 & 4042014-07-04
How Swiss Cheese Holes Align: Lessons from Human Factors PsychologyGregory Blanc2014-09-17
ASQ Montreal Section 401 General Assembly + Improving Processes with Attribute Control ChartsPresentation: Dr. David Tozer2014-10-15
Software Quality: So what is it all about anyway?Brenda Fisk2014-11-19
Rev. 2021-02-22
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