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Vers L’amélioration Continue 4.0, Un Petit Pas à La Fois

Mercredi 28 Avril, 2021 à 19:00

Towards Continuous Improvement 4.0, One Small Step at A Time — Webinar in French


Le réseautage débute à 18h30.

Robert VadeboncoeurUne présentation par Robert Vadeboncoeur, B. ing. et president de Optigén Maintenance Inc. "Une donnée est un élément brut, qui n’a pas encore été interprétée ou mise en contexte".
La démarche IoT (Internet of Things) et l'entretien prédictif suscite beaucoup d’espoir dont l’amélioration du service, la productivité, la fiabilité, etc. Cependant en 2020, seulement 8% des entreprises ont implanté la démarche (Bain & cie 2018). Les principaux points d’achoppement sont la sécurité des informations, l’intégration Ti/To (Technologies de l'information et des opérations), le RSI (Retour sur l'investissement) incertain et l’expertise technique interne. Robert expliquera les différents concepts du 4.0 en maintenance suivi d'une démarche d’implantation progressive avec équipes de production/maintenance.

Robert Vadeboncoeur a été ingénieur principal aux équipements fixes de la STM pendant 30 ans et a été responsable technique d'un projet majeur d’optimisation de la maintenance (4M$, 500 employés). Depuis 2018, il réalise une maitrise à l'ÉTS sur l’Amélioration des processus de maintenance à l’aide des outils 4.0. Il a développé une expertise en résolution de problème et d’optimisation basé sur l’analyse prévisionnel incluant les senseurs IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) pour extraire le plein potentiel des informations de maintenance recueillis.

Nous espérons vous y voir.

Attendance will be worth 0.5 RU (Recertification Units) for ASQ.
La participation vaut 0.5 RU (Recertification Units) de l'ASQ.

For more information on this upcoming event, see our Newsletter, myASQ or myASQ-FR.

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Word from the Chair

By Chantale Simard, MBA, Quality Assurance Analyst, Bombardier Aviation, ASQ CMQOE and CSSGB

Mini-survey and VOC Chair announcement

I am announcing a change in the ASQ Montreal Section Leadership Team. I would like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, Amine Djeffal who has been our VOC (Voice of the Customer) Chair over the past year. He gives way to Mauricio Figueroa, who will officially become our new VOC Chair in a few weeks. Mauricio has been attending our meetings and has been helping us out for several months. He is also a member of the committee that is organizing the ASQ Canada Conference to be held on October 4 and 5. We will miss Amine, at the same time, I am sure that he will remain a very involved member in the activities of the section.

This month, I propose that you complete a mini survey. We use multiple platforms to reach Section members and friends, and I’d like to know which ones you’re using. Here is the link to the survey (you can choose to see it in English or French): Short Survey

Thank you very much for you help, I will give you the results next month!


Give me your comments

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The Editor’s Corner

Michael Bournazian

Michael BournazianBy Michael Bournazian, Eng., Newsletter Editor, ASQ Senior Member, CSSGB

If you are a member of ASQ, then certainly you receive the monthly ASQ magazine “Quality Progress”. And if you read closely the April 2021 issue, then surely you realized that a few of our ASQ Montreal committee members were part of a group of 4 people who authored the article entitled “A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Events“.

I am very proud of both J.P. Amiel and Raymond Dyer, who have both worked very hard to make sure that our current situation of “Virtual Webinar Events only” is well executed every last Wednesday of the month. As well, they have shown an openness to ideas and a regular drive to continuously improve the process of doing these kinds of events, and making them fruitful for everyone attending.

If you have not already read the article, then I encourage you to CLICK HERE and start reading. You must login to your ASQ account first to access the full article.

Congratulations as well to the other 2 co-authors, Ruth Stanley and Michel Guenette. Great job everyone!

EDITOR’S NOTE: Neither the “C” word nor the “P” word were used during the writing of this article.


Any feedback? Click on the link and let me know.

Thank you, all the best and none of the worst.

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ASQ Region Webinar-Webinaire

Lean as a Lever for a Sustainable Supply Chain – Le Lean comme levier pour une chaîne d’approvisionnement durable

Lean Supply Chain

What is your organization doing to positively impact the SDG goals?
Que fait votre organisation pour avoir un effet positif sur les ODD?

May 19, 2021 – 19 mai, 2021 (12h00)
(Webinar-Webinaire bilingue)

In 2015, the UN adopted a plan for achieving a better future for all with sustainable development goals (SDG) to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. If this seems like a daunting task, join us to discuss what you can do in your organization to make the world a better place with Veronica Marquez, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt with ASQ and Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional from ISCEA.

En 2015, les Nations Unies ont adopté un plan pour parvenir à un avenir meilleur pour tous avec des objectifs  de développement durable (ODD) visant à mettre fin à l’extrême pauvreté, à lutter contre les inégalités et l’injustice et à protéger notre planète. Si cela vous semble insurmontable, joignez-vous à nous pour discuter de ce que vous pouvez faire dans votre organisation pour rendre le monde meilleur avec Veronica Marquez, Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt avec l’ASQ et Certified Sustainable Supply Chain Professional de l’ISCEA. Looking forward to see you there. On vous y attends.

ASQ RU Recertification Units:
Attendance will be worth 0.5 RU (Recertification Units) for ASQ. A certificate will be sent by email after the event to the participants.
La participation vaut 0.5 RU (Recertification Units) de l’ASQ. Un certificat sera envoyé par courriel aux participants après l’événement.

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Had You Connected to the Last Event


Avrum Goldman

By Avrum Goldman, System Safety & Reliability Engineering, Pratt & Whitney Canada, ASQ CQE, CRE

Webinar: Women in Quality, Wednesday, March 31, 2021.

On March 31st, 2021, The Montreal section of the ASQ presented an amazing discussion with a talented and diverse panel of women who have made their careers in the field of Quality.

Veronica Marquez, M. Sc., CSSBB of Aristeío Consulting and member of the ASQ Montreal Section Leadership Team, moderated the panel discussion and networking event with the following panel members:

  • Marjaneh (Marsha) Pourmand: Senior Consultant with 7S Knowledge Express Inc.
  • Véronique Boucher: Independent Quality System Consultant and ASQ Certified Auditor with experience in medical devices, manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors.
  • Carolee Rigsbee: Assistant Professor at University of Illinois at Springfield and senior member of the ASQ.
  • Farnoosh Naderkhani: Assistant Professor at the Concordia Institute for Information System Engineering (CIISE) at Concordia University.

Through the webinar access, in addition to panelists at remote locations, we were able to welcome participants from across Canada, USA, Brazil, India and Mexico!

The free-ranging and passionate discussion covered a number of key themes, including:

• Attracting women to Quality: To some extent, these are the universal challenges of raising awareness of career opportunities in Quality for all young people at the high school/university level. To this is added a general cultural bias steering women away from careers in STEM fields. Even awareness of STEM typically does not promote Quality. We need to demonstrate the excitement possible with a career in Quality, and the fulfillment that comes from solving challenging problems and making (your corner of) the world better. Consider supporting more student ASQ branches. Farnoosh and Veronica are leading a student outreach chapter of the Montreal ASQ to reach students “in their natural habitat” at school events, and promoting summer camp activities. Many of us have started our career in other fields and gravitated towards Quality. We need to keep our “outreach” going for our peers across our organizations.

• Challenges faced by women with careers in Quality: The challenge for women to be taken seriously and treated as equals can be even greater in technical fields. Is Quality perceived (by both women and men) as a “men’s field”? How to address this perception? Cultural biases can lead to women getting less understanding for failure and less credit for their accomplishments, and to being excluded from consideration for promotion and networking opportunities. Working remote adds challenges to networking and building informal work relationships. Even other women peers and managers can perpetuate the biases in their environments. 

• Guidance for women in their careers in Quality: Seek out mentors and leaders (both technical and managerial) that you can learn from, and who can identify opportunities and encourage you to take on challenges. Build credibility through lifelong learning and credentials (such as ASQ certification). Lack of credentials may be used as a barrier to progress. Demonstrated capability speaks for itself. Don’t box yourself in or build your own ceiling: view your credentials, skills and experiences as a “portfolio” of capabilities that you can bring to bear on whatever challenges and opportunities arise. Take a systems-level view of complex projects and organizations. Working in complex fields requires “soft skills” as much as technical knowledge. Change leadership is often the biggest challenge in a project.

• How we (both men and women) can support women in Quality: This is not just a “women’s issue”: Build awareness to recognize your organizations’ conscious and unconscious biases (and your own), and take steps to overcome them. Promote bias awareness, for example through use of gender-neutral terms and practices. Accommodate work-family balance and challenges that most often fall harder on women. This can be especially hard with current COVID-19 challenges. Promote networking opportunities for women, with both other women peers and with men. Build transparency and objectivity into the processes for training and advancement. Clear guidelines on what capabilities are needed for each position, and how to obtain them will eliminate preferential treatment. Recognize the need to mentor and develop people as a key part of your role as leader/manager. In Academia, the teaching/mentoring aspect of the professor’s role is institutionalized: help bring the same emphasis to other organizations.

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Voice of the Customer – Voix du client

Par Mauricio Figueroa, Voix du client

Le Panel de discussion virtuelle “Women in Quality” du 31 mars a eu une présence record avec plus de 60 participants, venus des quatre coins du monde. La majorité des participants (40%) résidait à Montréal et ses alentours (Laval, Pointe-Claire, Boisbriand), mais nous comptions également sur des personnes de la Capital Nationale et Mont-St-Hilaire. Pour le reste du Canada (15%), nous avons eu des représentants de la Nouvelle-Écosse (Halifax), de l’Ontario (Durham, Toronto, Windsor), du Manitoba (Winnipeg), et de l’Alberta (Calgary). À l’international, nous avons eu des représentants des États-Unis (Augusta, Bellevue, Bloomington, Clarksville, Edwardsville, Grand Rapids, Lafayette, Middletown, Orange County, Rochester, San Diego, Seattle and Washougal), qui comptent pour 25% de l’audience. Pour le reste des Amériques, nous comptions le Mexique (Mexico City) et le Brésil (Campinas) et enfin, par-delà les mers, nous avions les Émirats Arab Unis (Abu Dhabi), l’Iran et l’Inde (Chandigarh).

En général, vous avez été engoué par l’événement avec des niveaux d’appréciation de 95% pour la Qualité de la présentation, de 91% pour le sujet, et de 87% pour l’approche et l’Échange. Certaines personnes auraient toute foi voulue moins d’interventions de l’auditoire masculin et plus d’intervention de l’auditoire féminin, étant donné qu’elles étaient à l’honneur.

Comme la grande majorité (95%) est disposée à participer à un autre événement, nous vous invitons le 28 avril, 2021 à la conférence Vers l’amélioration Continue 4.0, un Petit Pas à la Fois avec Robert Vadeboncoeur.

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ASQ 2021 Canadian Conference | Conférence canadienne

Call for Papers | Appel de conférenciers

The Montreal Section will be hosting the 2021 ASQ Canadian Conference, which will take place on the 4th and 5th of October in virtual mode. The theme is Risk and Resilience and would be illustrated by various conferences and workshops with hands-on experiences, each rated by ‘knowledge levels’. Three objectives close to our hearts have been selected:

  • An interactive experience;
  • Activities categorized by level of knowledge of the subject;
  • A bilingual conference.

See the Call for paper details and to ask to present an article, please submit an abstract by 30 June 2021 to David Tozer, Technical Committee Chair. The committee will review the submissions and select papers for presentation.

La section de Montréal accueillera la Conférence canadienne de l’ASQ 2021 les 4 et 5 octobre en mode virtuel. Le thème est le Risque et résilience et sera illustré par diverses conférences et ateliers avec des expériences pratiques, chacune étant évaluée en fonction de “niveaux de connaissance”. Trois objectifs qui nous tiennent à cœur ont été identifié :

  • Une expérience interactive ;
  • Des activités classées par niveau de connaissance du sujet ;
  • Une conférence bilingue.

Voir les détails de l’Appel à conférenciers pour demander à présenter un article et soumettre un résumé avant le 30 juin 2021 à David Tozer, président du comité technique. Le comité examinera les soumissions et sélectionnera les articles à présenter.

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