Veronica Marquez

Women in Quality Initiative | Initiative pour les femmes dans la qualité

Veronica MarquezBy Veronica Marquez, Section Vice-Chair, Social Media Chair, Program Committee

Are you a woman working in quality? The ASQ Montreal section is proud to announce the “Women in Quality Initiative”.

This idea came about following our panel event that we held for Women’s Day back in March of 2021. We wanted to create a platform for women to share their experiences, talk about their success, and offer advice to the younger generations.

We are looking forward to receiving your application and showcasing you on all our social media platforms.


Êtes-vous une femme travaillant dans le domaine de la qualité? La section montréalaise de l’ASQ est fière d’annoncer l’initiative “Femmes en qualité”.

Cette idée est née à la suite de la table ronde que nous avons organisée à l’occasion de la Journée de la femme en mars 2021. Nous voulions créer une plateforme pour que les femmes puissent partager leurs expériences, parler de leurs succès et offrir des conseils aux jeunes générations.

Nous sommes impatients de recevoir votre candidature et de vous présenter sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux.


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Women in Quality Initiative | Initiative pour les femmes dans la qualité

Veronica MarquezBy Veronica Marquez, Section Vice-Chair, Social Media Chair, Program Committee

Are you a woman working in quality? The ASQ Montreal section is proud to announce the “Women in Quality Initiative”.

This idea came about following our panel event that we held for Women’s Day back in March of 2021. We wanted to create a platform for women to share their experiences, talk about their success, and offer advice to the younger generations.

We are looking forward to receiving your application and showcasing you on all our social media platforms.


Êtes-vous une femme travaillant dans le domaine de la qualité? La section montréalaise de l’ASQ est fière d’annoncer l’initiative “Femmes en qualité”.

Cette idée est née à la suite de la table ronde que nous avons organisée à l’occasion de la Journée de la femme en mars 2021. Nous voulions créer une plateforme pour que les femmes puissent partager leurs expériences, parler de leurs succès et offrir des conseils aux jeunes générations.

Nous sommes impatients de recevoir votre candidature et de vous présenter sur toutes nos plateformes de médias sociaux.


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Student Outreach Committee – Sponsoring students for LSS Conference

By Veronica B. Marquez, M.Sc, CSSBB, CSSCP, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ Montreal Vice-Chair, member of Student Outreach Committee

Veronica Marquez

Are you interested in developing your Lean Six Sigma skills?

The ASQ Montreal section is offering to sponsor students members of any university in Montreal to attend the ASQ Lean Six Sigma conference taking place this March 1st to the 4th. Send us an email before February 19th, 2021 COB, indicating your field of study, university, and why you are interested in attending the ASQ LSS conference. Four eligible participants will be chosen at random from the received emails. The winners will be notified during the weekend of February 20-21, 2021. Winners will be reimbursed after they provide us with proof of purchase (USD $99) and attendance. For more details: ASQ Lean Six Sigma Conference

In return, we will be inviting the selected students to present their experience with our members during our September 29, 2021 event in the form of a 15-minute presentation on a topic of their choosing from the LSS conference.

Send us your email at before end of business day February 19th, 2021. 



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Social Media

Veronica Marquez

By Veronica Marquez, MSc, ASQ Senior Member, ASQ CSSBB, Section Vice-chair and Social media chair

Last year’s efforts to continue to offer our members with continued conferences and events, required that we adopt new technologies and work processes. This year, we are continuing in that path and have begun changing a few things with the goal of bringing greater visibility and recognition to our section and to all quality professionals.

  • Our website was revamped and rejuvenated thanks to J.P. Amiel’s efforts and hard work,
  • Our newsletter format was also rejuvenated and aligned with the new website. For you, our readers, it should make it easier to read the articles that interest you. For us, it has drastically improved our process and time to publish,
  • ASQ’s myASQ site is also kept up to date in English and in French. We are the only section to have two distinct sites, so please make sure to follow us there,
  • We are also using LinkedIn to share our events and information of our section with both professionals and students. We highly encourage you to use these sites to post quality related articles and news, discussions and job opportunities,
  • For those that believe that 280 characters is enough to share an idea, our Twitter account will also be getting a bit more attention, and
  • As of this month, our event registrations will be done through Eventbrite where you can find us under “ASQ Montréal”. Make sure to follow us so that you see our upcoming events and please share our events with your network.

If you have any questions or comments about our new approaches, please reach out here!

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