ASQ Montreal Section

Événements planifiés et futurs
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Upcoming and planned events

Veuillez noter que ces événements peuvent être modifiés.
Please note that these events remain subject to change.

Vérifier notre bulletin - check our Newsletter.

Pour s'inscrire : To register.

Date Sujet | Topic
Wednesday - Mercredi
Annual General Assembly +
Coaching Lean Six Sigma teams with Diego Lythgoe of Shell Canada (English, Q&A bilingual)
Wednesday - Mercredi

Tirer profit de votre SMQ ISO pour assurer la sécurité de vos données critiques avec Cristian Dragnef, president Seratos Consulting (en français, Q&R bilingue)


En préparation | Under Study

  • Conduire des audits virtuels (in French)
  • Utiliser le Lean pour démarrer une unité d’urgences pédiatrique (in French)
  • Variability Reduction “B Corp” Certifications>
  • The Future of Quality Jobs Critical Thinking for Quality Professionals
  • Panel: International Women in Quality (tentatively in March)
  • Pecha Kucha Night (hopefully some presentations in French)

Stay tuned - Revenez nous voir.

myASQ (English) myASQ-FR (Français) Our Newsletter

Wednesday October 28, 2020 at 7:00 PM
Annual General Assembly +
Coaching Lean Six Sigma teams with Diego Lythgoe of Shell. (English, Q&A bilingual)

Presenter: Diego Lithgoe
More information to come.

Diego Lithgoe
Diego Lithgoe
Teacher and Continuous Improvement Lead

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  Revised November 15, 2020. Copyright is claimed for all site content. Articles may be reproduced/used if the source is stated/credited to ASQ Montreal Section.